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Kyomi POV

I brush my teeth and rinse my mouth after vomiting again and wonder when the morning sickness will subside. It is worse with this pregnancy than when I carried Lily.

I try my best to smooth my hair which has grown at an exponential rate and wonder how long it will take to straighten at this length. After washing my face, I return to the bedroom.

Joonie lays peacefully on his side with one arm under his head. I slip under the blanket carefully so as not to wake him and snuggle back into his embrace.

Last night with him was interesting to say the least as I know no other man's kisses or touches the way I do Tae's. Joonie assured me it was fine that I wasn't more skilled when it comes to intimate partners and that we could learn each other as we go..

.. that is, should I allow myself to become more intimate with him.

The farthest we have been is kisses. Joonie says he understands that I am not ready to go further with him so soon after our first kiss, but I know he must be growing impatient. Five years is a long time to wait for just a kiss.

I will have to tell him my secret should I decide I want us to become more intimate. He will probably think it's weird for a woman to want to sleep with someone for the first time that isn't the father of her child while she is still pregnant. I hope he doesn't freak out.

I watch Joonie as he sleeps and touch my lips. His mouth is so skilled at kissing it makes me wonder the other things he is able to do with it. What if he's too skilled and I make a fool of myself again?

I wonder how many women have shared his bed for him to be as distinguished as he is. There had to have been several, or maybe he's just a quick learner like my Tae.

No. Not my Tae anymore.

I close my eyes as thoughts of Tae and Ella in each other's embrace invade my mind. Pain radiates from my heart making it difficult to breathe.

Did he touch her the same as he touched me?

Did he kiss her with the same amount of passion?

Did he give her multiple orgasms?

Did he whisper sweet emotional confessions after?

The whimper from my thoughts wakes Joonie and he kisses my forehead. Rubbing my back gently he asks in a gruff voice "Are you okay, lovely?"

I nod and sniff. "Fine. Did you sleep well?"

"It's been a while since I have slept with a woman in my arms and even longer since I woke with one. It was nice."

"Thank you for staying last night. I'm sorry I didn't.. uhm.. we never.."

He strokes my hair from my face. "I told you, it's fine. No rush. I don't ever want you to feel pressured into sex by myself or anyone else. You made the decision once before to trust me with your body and I know you are fully capable of deciding if I am still worthy. Until then, I will wait patiently."

"You are such a good man, Joonie. Truly." I kiss his cheek.

"I try. You can thank Andye and Cree." He chuckles.

"If you don't have any plans, I would love to spend the day with you. Maybe we could check out a museum later since we never managed to make it there before. Then we could have dinner this evening at a nice restaurant. I wouldn't mind spending another night with you as well." I blush. "I enjoyed kissing you. Maybe we could try a few other things. How does that sound?"

"Sounds like a wonderful Saturday to me."


"I can't believe you don't like fish!" I gasp at Joonie.

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