63 • Shy

652 26 11

Jimin POV

"I hope oreos are okay. Kaelin ate the last of the chocolate chip earlier."

I watch Sidoni bring out a small plate of cookies and two glasses of milk from her kitchen. She sets them carefully on the coffee table in front of us before taking her seat beside me and flashing a soft smile.

"Oreos are fine, Sid. I'm more interested in if you're sure tonight is a good night to hang out. I know you must be tired from the hectic week you've had at school."

Sid runs her fingers through her loose hair shaking out the ends but holds on to the same gentle smile.

"It's only going to get more hectic from here on out as finals approach and students that haven't paid attention all year finally realize they have messed up. Do you really want me to put off our date night to catch up on grading assignments that should have been turned in to me in a more timely manner?"

Chuckling, I reply "No, but I didn't really want to admit that. I'm glad you asked me to come over."

"Kaelin will be at his friend's house until late and I thought it would be a good idea for us to spend some time together on a sort of date. I hope my stretch pants and sweatshirt aren't too much for you to contain yourself, Mr. Park."

I take her hand with a soft squeeze. "I'll try to hold it together."

The past four months being with Sid have been amazing. She is so funny and smart and such a good mother to Kaelin, I am proud to finally be able to say I am included in her life.

After our first group date, Sid and I went on another date a few weeks later. Nothing fancy, just dinner and a movie in jeans and tee shirts as promised. I could tell from our general conversation that she was used to guys only wanting one thing and it would take a while for me to make her realize that isn't what I am here for.

Don't get me wrong, Sidoni Seong is a beautiful woman. When we met again, I was surprised to see the difference in her appearance when she dresses down.

Her dark hair is thicker than it was our initial meeting. It seems more lush and I will admit I would very much enjoy feeling the strands between my fingers in more ways than one.

Her body is fuller just as she said as we danced, but I think her build is still quite nice. In regular clothes her hips are wider but they pair perfectly with the thickness of her thighs and ass.

I swear I only ogled once.

It was difficult, but I kept my hands to myself the entire evening. Sid and I became more acquainted with each other and by the time our date ended, I'd scored an innocent hug and another date.

The temptation was there to call Amelia when I returned home. Amelia and I hadn't had sex since the night before Sid and I had our group date nor had I even been around any other woman that wasn't Sid.

Sid hasn't touched me. At all. I explained my past to her thoroughly because I wanted to make sure she didn't find out any extra details somewhere along the way that could ruin the relationship I hope to build with her.

In hindsight, it may not have been such a good idea to unload so much baggage as that was the night of our first kiss and since then we have gone no further. I won't pressure Sid in anyway whatsoever, but I have never been this long without some type of female intimacy.

I also found out the hard way that I no longer know how to personally satisfy myself and I feel like a dumbass.

So, I wait.

Sex has always been such a big part of my life. To now not have it on a daily basis is a bit unsettling but I do believe waiting to share the experience with the woman I am dating is a great choice. It's a hard one -fuck, it's so hard- but it is a great choice nonetheless.

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