49 • Time To Come Clean

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Namjoon POV

"I'll be right back." Omi releases my hand and I watch as she makes her way to the park restrooms.

I can tell she is trying her best to walk as if she isn't almost six months pregnant with twins. Occasionally, there is a slight misstep but she is quick to correct her strides.

Recollecting on the time I have spent with Omi, a piece of my heart breaks. She is a wonderful woman, beautiful and intelligent and still so very innocent. I would have loved to have made her mine, but it wasn't meant to be.

I stuff my hands into my jeans front pockets as I nudge the dirt with the toe of my sneaker. The sound of children's laughter echoes all around me, saddening my already sullen state. It is my fault for getting my hopes so high so quickly..


I already knew Omi was the one for me. Dating a while would have just added fuel to the fire I lit for her, but I wanted Omi to be sure she wanted me as well.

There was a thrill that went through me at the thought of being a woman's second lover. I have never been anyone's first or second choice, but this magnificent woman offered me both.

I couldn't have mistreated Omi if I wanted to. Being around her or simply talking to her relaxed my soul and made me believe I could be worthy of love. I would have ensured to give her every ounce of my heart just as she deserves.

Taking a seat on the bench Omi specifically picked, my sight roams over the playground at the children with their parents. Emotion nearly consumes me when I see a father with his toddler son on the swings.

Will I ever have that?

"It isn't polite to stare, Namjoon."

Startled, I flinch at the deep voice beside me. "How in the hell are you so quiet when you move, Yoongi?"


He is always such a smart-ass. "Is that so?"

"Not really. You were so wrapped up in the dad and baby duo you failed to pay attention to your surroundings."

I cross my legs and arms averting my gaze, embarrassed he saw the way I watched them. "It was a cute kid. That's all."

Yoongi crosses his legs in the opposite direction from mine as he adjusts his ball cap lower over his forehead then he lays his hands in his lap. "You want your own, don't you?"

"A part of me wouldn't mind being a father someday."

"Mmhm. How do you feel about it not being with Omi?" He looks at the side of my face.

Heartbroken. "A bit sad but so is life. I am accepting a promotion at work tomorrow that will take me out of the country and she is going to work things out with her husband. She is still very much in love with him and being as her pregnancy is so far along-"

"Time out." Yoongi holds his right hand vertical and his left horizontal over the top. "Omi is pregnant?"

"Almost six months."

"Whoa." He looks out over the playground. "Does she know the gender?"

"Two boys."

Crossing his arms under the baggy sleeves of his black sweater, Yoongi lifts his brows in shock. "Twins? Shiiit."

"I found out last night. Had I not brought up the stupid cameras.."

"Cameras? What?"

"I mentioned the cameras in her husband's office and that led to her checking the footage and finding out he never cheated on her. He cried and whined a lot, but nothing more happened."

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