10. Totally not blushing

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Y/N: AGHHHHHHHHhdueheikowkeksoo

Within a few minutes, Kay responded.

Kay: you still sane?

Y/N: I might...get full aghhhhhhhhhhhh

Kay: proud :')

Y/N: yea momma~

Kay: ...or you could call me daddy
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Y/N: Ew?
Anyways, I'mma get the results of the global school later today.

Kay: all the very best to you but I dearly pray that you don't get in.

Y/N: Bitch whyyyy

Kay: I won't appreciate you roaming about the campus letting random dudes rob you off your innocence.

Y/N: *scoffs* innocence!? Sir, why even-

Kay: cuz you dumb?

Y/N: ugh wuteva- I'mma go wash up now. Also am hungry af so I'll get going

Kay: The question is, hungry for what.( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Anyways, adios~


Y/N washed up taking all of her sweet time and stepped out of the shower smelling like a flower field. She went down to the kitchen and after endlessly searching for something to eat, she just walked out grabbing a granola bar.

She entered the living room slumping down on the couch beside her Dad when he spoke up, "Your result was due today?"

Her eyes shot up in the direction of the clock, "Oh shit!"

Her father scowled, "Language, Y/N!" Y/N replied, "...is not a barrier. I'm late by an hour. I'll come back down in about 10 minutes."

She stormed into the room, yanking her laptop out of the bag and aggressively typed in the credentials. "Hoky Fuck!!!!!!!!" ,Y/N half screamed, half cried.

She inclined the laptop screen half way and rushed down to her parents. With Y/N and her Dad seated on the couch and her mother leaning over from the back, Y/N opened the website again, throwing arms around her Dad's neck, hugging him tightly.

She muffled into his shoulder, " I just can't believe it!"

Her father pulled her closer, " I had known you'd get in the moment you applied. I read your essays too."

She immediately drew herself back and stared at him, "you really did!? How do you think about them?"

Her father looked at the laptop and then at her, "Well...I think the global school isn't a bad idea."

Y/N almost cried out, " Ahhhh you're the best really!!!!" Her Dad pulled her back into a side hug, " I know right!" he chuckled, "Well they were actually very good,the essays. But..you know, when you leave, I'm going to miss you so much my life."
He gently said and Y/N could begin to notice his eyes getting a little watery.

Y/N's Dad had always called her his life and that was, by far, the most lovable thing Y/N could ever think of.

She loved her father the most. She really was a princess to him. Right from her childhood, she never had to ask for anything twice, her Dad had always fulfilled her rightful demands, oftentimes without her even asking. And if she was asking for something not very right, he always found a way to make her understand. However stubborn she was, she most often than not had agreed with him by the end.

Soon after hugging her mother, she ran upto her room and quickly made a text message to Jia and Kay telling that she got in. Both of them asked the same thing, what country was she admitted to. She told them how the school would reach out in about a week regarding the same.

Kay: The fact that you'll just forget me one day :')

Y/N: Ugh you cringey drama writer, I won't.

Kay: you promise?

Y/N: no

Kay:  insensitive b-...I had thought you'd say some emotional shit...and no I ain't hurt :')

Y/N: iNsEnSiTiVe!? What do ya expect now tf!? Me to kiss you!?

Kay: I won't mind tho-

Y/N: Bleh. I don't want my first kiss to taste like a dead lizard. It actually gotta be perfect.

Kay: ugh Barbie

Y/N: ugh thanks!

Kay: Btw..just saying, you're kinda sorta just a tiny bit adorable sometimes

Y/N: shersh! You haven't seen me debating...I'm ruthless.

Kay: how so RuThLeSs could a tiny creature like yourself be lol

Y/N: Aw bub I was always easy on you. When I am debating, it's like my personality switches.

Kay: I'd win anyways~

Y/N: oh believe me you can never.

Kay: What would ya even counter to if you give me an argument and I keep staring at your beautiful doe eyes

Y/N: Aw okay that was cute

Kay: What's cuter is that when you gimme my basket of Oreos, I'd take you on a walk under the stars and buy you a triple scoop ice cream

Kay: BTW, you are okay with walking a lot right?

Y/N: yea why?

Kay: Cuz I don't do a home delivery for the triple scoop. You gotta walk with me to have it~

I'm totally not blushing. And my cheeks are definitely not getting hot.

Y/N: I'm totally not blushing

Kay: Good cuz I must not want to kiss you already

Aghhhhhhhhhhhheuebruhrirhrbtuejiwkwo this guy!!!!

Y/N: As if I'd let you

Kay: As if you could resist

Omo lemme cryyyyy.

Y/N: Kk you're good at flirting.

Kay: Well, ma'am, I didn't even flirt to begin with.

Y/N: Oh then what else?

Kay: Stated some facts here and there and just ended up planning our future date?

Y/N: Promise?

Kay: Agh kid! Pinky Promise!

Y/N couldn't stop smiling. This shit was cute.

Author's note: I'm gonna try to make the chapters generally a little bigger so as to add more details and keep the intensity maybe.
I read Blood Ink like a week ago and that has to be the best BTS FF out there!! If y'all have recommendations similar to Blood Ink, like if they're nearly as good, do lemme know. I so much wanna read some real good FF.
Also, No one reads my book, *welp* :')
Y'all hoes watch out when I get millions of reads~
Okay it looks like I'm high on air, I should leave now

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