41. Mopped Your Bathroom Floor

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"Quick, get up! Y/N!!!"

An impatient voice hit her ears and she groaned. "What?" Y/N asked, still not being able to open her eyes.

Jungkook shook her shoulder furiously, "Quickly dumb kid! Or we'll miss it!"

Trying her best, her eyes squinted due to the lights in her room, "What would we miss?" Her hand went to get hold of her phone to see the time, "The fuck? Where are we supposed to be at 4 in the morning!?"

Jungkook was clearly frustrated and sighed, "Could you comply without questioning for once? And you don't even need to change or anything, just get up!" saying this, he pulled her arms to make her sit up.

"Huh? I've not even showered...hell, I haven't even brushed!" she frowned, "wait...how are you dressed already? I am wearing your shirt."

He smiled, "Yea I had an extra back in my car but I thought you'd rather have me shirtless for the night. Just go brush your teeth and splash some water on your face. You really don't need to change, now go! Quick!" he hurried her to the bathroom.  "You can sleep in the car."

Confused, she entered the bathroom. The memory of the previous episode hit her and she realized how everything was in place. The broken vials had been cleaned up, everything was kept where it was supposed to be and the only proof of her lost control was the huge crack on the mirror. When did he even do all this?

Shaking her head, Y/N moved to the counter and squeezed toothpaste onto her brush. Her eyes travelled to the marks on her body, she really did like it better this way. She was, in fact, loving how she looked. So much had changed in a single night. So much.

Having done with brushing her teeth, she splashed water on her face and shivered by the coldness of it. What is he up for at 4 in the morn!? He really needs to touch some grass.

When Y/N stepped out of the bedroom, she noticed iced coffee waiting for her on the kitchen counter. And before she could even touch the glass, a pair of hands swooped her up and also the coffee. "WHAT THE HELL!?" She practically screamed at the sudden action.

"Ugh shut up for once, drink this so you won't exactly be hungry." Jungkook spoke fastly as he hurried out of the apartment.

It was only when they reached the elevator that he put Y/N down. Out of frustration and confusion, the girl hit his arm, "What is this about? We only went to bed at 1:30!" she half screamed, half cried.

"Told you, you can sleep in the car. And at least be thankful? I frickin' made you coffee and mopped your bathroom floor for fuck's sake!" Jungkook himself laughed at the last part along with Y/N. The statement sounded too funny to be taken seriously. "A piece of glass even pricked my finger." He pouted.

And before he could even look up at her, Y/N caught hold of his hand and frantically shot questions at him, "What? Where? Are you fucking dumb!?"

Her needless worry just amused him more. Adorable!

He smiled looking at her losing her nuts over barely a scratch. She eyed him with her big, brown eyes with anger evident in them, "You didn't need to mop the bathroom floor at fucking 3, you know right? For once, stop trying to be a dumbass hero...how even would you drive? No. It's settled. You simply would not drive."

The grin on his face deepened and he held her face with both his hands, "Damn Y/N...you can be too cute for your own good sometimes. I can drive and it's barely a scratch. Now stop being this adorable or I would have to break a bone or something to see you worried again."

She huffed and pushed his hands aside even though her face adorned a blush, "I might as well break a couple of your bones myself! Bitch!" she turned around to avoid his stupid grin. After a couple seconds, she turned to him again, "are you sure about driving?"

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