42. Lilacs and Peonies

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“I genuinely like green onion kimchi better than fresh kimchi”, Y/N argued to which Jungkook rolled his eyes. He huffed, “You just don’t have a good taste.”

“In men?” The girl smirked, earning another eye roll from Jungkook . She laughed, “you call me a kid but you’re actually more kiddish than Seong.”

“That brat!” Jungkook added making Y/N laugh even more. She spoke, “Now what did that adorable little devil do to you?”

“Oh you don’t wanna know. Not just him, even Yeri is turning bad in his company but she’s so cute I would never call her a brat.” Jungkook huffed yet again.

Y/N continued laughing, “You really are down to fighting five year olds now, huh? What did he even do?”

Jungkook frowned, “When we were down babysitting them-”

Y/N cut him off, “Hah, they babysit you, Yeri and Seong are far more responsible than you and V.”

“Whatever! So when we were down there with Yeri and Seong waiting for you” he coughed intentionally, “and of course Noona, Seong fought me.”

“What the fuck? Really? I bet he won!” At this point, Y/N couldn’t seem to control her laughter.

Jungkook glared at her, “Fuck you! Anyways, he said he would marry you when he grows up! That tiny brat!”

Y/N resisted letting out an ‘aww’ for Seong’s innocence due to Jungkook’s offended expression and let him continue.

“And when I told him to back down, he literally challenged me! Can you fucking believe it!? Oh yeah of course you can. He said that you would any day choose him over me…that littl-”

“You seem like a three year old here but nevertheless, continue.” She coaxed.

“Yeah so I obviously grew offended and that’s when Tae joined in saying that it won’t happen. I was so frickin’ grateful for once for V to be favouring me, but you know what? He said you’d rather choose him over either of us. Like seriously!? I had been thinking he was on my side until he fucking wasn’t! And guess what?”

“What?” Y/N prompted while biting her inner cheek to suppress the laugh that threatened to burst out any moment.

“Then Yeri joined in. And she simply hit all of our foreheads one by one and just went, ‘Pabo! Y/N unnie will marry me when I grow up.’ ” Jungkook mimicked the kid and whined, “and then she just as quietly passed us all to go sit in the corner and play with hot wheels! We couldn’t even fight the conviction with which she said it and the three of us just sat there like complete dumbfucks!”

Y/N couldn’t hold onto pretending to be serious any longer and burst into laughter, “Damn! I love Yeri with all my heart!”

Jungkook rolled his eyes and Y/N noticed how often he did that, or, from a different POV, how often and easily he got annoyed, which was damn adorable. “Of course you do. You are a bad influence on that angel. And obviously Seong, even Noona is a bad influence on her I swear.”

“Or maybe you just can’t accept that an angel of a kid just stumped all three of you dumbasses without even trying. Wait no, not Seong though, I love him.” Y/N retorted with amusement and too giddy a feeling, knowing that these people were actually fighting over which of them she liked better.

“About time I throw your ass out of my car, considering I’m almost ALWAYS driving you like a personal chauffeur.” The boy remarked, still wounded by the recollection of Yeri’s response to the three of them.

Y/N turned to face him, “Yeah and about time I murder you so you stop reminding me about the due taxi fare I need to pay you.”

“A BMW for a taxi and Jeon Jungkook for a chauffeur, ma’am you’re so out of my league!” the boy grinned. Clearly, his mood had lightened up dramatically.

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