53. Unchangeable truth

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"Yes okay, I'll come with Jungkook, y'all can go on." Y/N declared. "And Jimin, I was not kidding about your solo track, we are doing it today."

"Stop nagging at me for a minute. I'll be on schedule okay", he sighed and shuffled towards the door, wanting to escape Y/N's commands.

After saying their goodbyes, everyone but Jungkook and Y/N exited the apartment.

"And why are you pouting now?" She questioned, seeing the boy sit on the couch with his lips puckered like a 6 year old.

When he didn't answer, Y/N pushed, "What? I'm leaving you here if that pout doesn't go off your face."

"You do realize that I am the only one who didn't receive any gifts." The pout never left his face as he said that. It was almost comical, a grown up man dressed in baggy black clothes and chunky shoes acting like a kid.

Y/N's face slightly broke into a smile as she taunted, "Are Hayeon's gifts falling short?"

Her smile went away as quickly as it had come when she saw Jungkook's eyes brimming with tears and him trying to hold them back.

"Bro, what the fuck? I didn't mean to...ugh I'm sorry okay, I'm sorry!" She spoke, her words whirling and in quick succession.

She took a seat beside Jungkook, her face painted in confusion and guilt, as she wiped his tears with the sleeve of her sweater. "I am sorry. Please don't cry." She pleaded, "I'm a shitfuck okay, just don't cry!"

Through his tears, Jungkook spoke, "You've been doing it this whole time now. You didn't gift me anything, you didn't call me for a hug, you are attacking me with the Hayeon thing. I don't even like her."

Catching just the last part, Y/N responded, "She is so pretty though."

"Shut up, just shut up! I don't care if she's pretty. Did you even hear the other things I accused you of?" he snapped.

The girl tried to tame her urge to smile at how adorable Jungkook was being, but she couldn't. Straddling his lap, she took hold of his face, "You adorable fucking human." Saying this, she pressed her nose against his.

Jungkook's breath was caught in his throat, not knowing what to do with this sudden turn of events.

"I'm sorry" she said, kissing the tip of his nose. "I'm sorry" she said again, now kissing his forehead. "I'm sorry", now his left cheekbone. "I'm sorry" his chin.

Soon enough, the whole of Jungkook's face was a tint of pink, not just from how hard he was blushing, but also from Y/N's lip color smudging over his face as she kissed every part of it.

Finally kissing his soft lips, she drew back and asked, "Forgive me now?"

"Not yet", he said, leaning in to kiss her again, and again, and some more. Their hands roamed each other's bodies as their lips and tongues played in passion, wanting to feel the other.

"I do have a gift for you." Y/N said, breaking the kiss for a moment. Both of them were left breathless from this heated and unexpected makeout.

"Better than this?" Jungkook smiled, his hand trailing the length of her thigh.

She laughed. Her beautiful, lively and sweet laugh that Jungkook couldn't get enough of. "Well, you can decide." She said, smiling at him. She got up from his lap and vanished into her room.

Jungkook's cheeks pained from smiling so much. He laughed, and lightly hit himself on the head, wondering how this girl was all rain and sunshine, rainbows and hail packed together. How she caused him to smile like an idiot everytime he thought of her, which was just about every moment.

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