13. Seoul

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The alarm went off ringing. Y/N wriggled out of the bed and made her way to the phone kept on her study desk. She switched the alarm off, trying not to wake her parents up as it was still 4 in the morning.

She had to wake up this early because the country confirmation of the global school was scheduled according to the Eastern Time zone. Her confirmation was due in half an hour. Still sleepy, she lazily slipped on the sliders and made her way down to the kitchen.

After having had a glass of water and having brushed her teeth, she checked her watch to see the confirmation would be out in 5 minutes.

Keeping as quiet as her excited steps would let her, Y/N made her way to her room. She took hold of the laptop and got back into her bed, blankets covering her waist down as she sat cross legged leaning against the headboard.

After letting out a long breath, she finally opened the laptop and typed in the credentials.

"Mummaaaaaa!" Y/N screeched under her breath, running down the stairs. She entered her parents' room and saw her mother already up, "You up already?"

Her mother replied, "Of course, it's the confirmation today. I doubted if you would be able to wake up by yourself...I just heard you screech. So, which country are we flying to?"

Y/N immediately responded, "Wait what! We!?" She almost feared if one of her parents would actually come with her. She knew they were very protective but this was a little too much even on their part.

To her relief, her mother chuckled, "Ah just you, alright? Now, the confirmation?"

By the time they talked, Y/N's father was also awake. She told him the results, hugged him and scurried out towards her room. As she entered her room, Y/N quickly drew her phone out of her hoodie pocket and texted Kay and Jia about the country confirmation. She knew Jia would probably be asleep but wasn't sure about Kay. As if in no time, he responded.

Y/N: It's out!

Kay: So what's it?

Y/N: you had been awake already?

Kay: Naw...had to set up an alarm

Y/N: huh?

Kay: I had been sleeping but had to put up the alarm cuz I knew the results were due today. I woke up about 15 minutes ago, would go to sleep again after talking to ya.🤡

Y/N: Okay, so...tell me which country you live in first. Maybe, you finally can gimme what all food you promised.

Kay: Aish just tell me the results duh. I gotta sleep

Y/N: but why won't you tell where you live wtf

Little did Y/N know, Kay had wanted to tell her everything about him. Hell, he even desperately wished she ended up in his country, to finally meet her, see how she reacts when he calls her a kiddo, take her out to their planned date under the stars, make her smile as he flirts with her, watch how her big eyes sparkled while eating ice cream, talk endlessly to her...but he knew it couldn't be, it shouldn't be.

It can't happen or it'll be bad not only for him but for her as well. Though he desperately wished for them to meet, he knew it must not be done. He'd just ask what country she's going to and if it's different from his, then he could consider revealing where he lives.

Kay: Here's the deal, tell me which country you're going to first, then I'll tell ya where I live.

Y/N: You really don't want us to meet eh?

Only if you knew how much I want it Y/N...only if

Kay: c'mon kiddo, don't be a kid. I gotta sleep. Tell me or I'mma go back to sleeping my life off

Y/N: Yea wuteva...it's Perth, Australia.

Though Kay could now tell her more about himself, knowing it was safer, his heart ached as he still had some how wanted her to name some other country, his country, despite knowing the risks. His heart seemed to have taken a toll on his mind. The fuck with it, he was sort of losing his mind.

Kay: woah dat is cool af.

Y/N: oh yeah, and now may I know where you live, sir? Or had I been talking to a serial killer all this time

Kay: Ah yea...I'm from Seoul, SK

Y/N: Whaaaaaat!? For real!? Like where BTS lives?! T_T

Kay: Um yes but the world doesn't revolve around them just FYI. Now I'mma go sleep. TC

Y/N: pity that you still think it doesn't... anyways, sleep cozy!

Just the way she texted sleep cozy...ugh she's adorable


It had been a great day for Y/N thus far. Jia came over to her house and they munched on nachos while binging on a short Netflix series. Jia seemed even more excited than Y/N, she had known how Y/N had always wished to travel around the world and she was more than happy that her best friend was stepping up towards her dreams.

After her friend had gone home, Y/N went back to her room turning to her bookshelf. She could almost cry at how she had to leave these memories behind, her books.

Author's note: y'all know right that voting for my book is literally FREE :')

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