6. Nauseatingly boring guy

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Y/N: who's this btw...I mean I can't figure out cuz of the weird ass username.

Him: it's me, D

D, as he was popularly called, though it wasn't his real name was someone Y/N was quite fond of. They weren't exactly friends, but they always hit right off the bat. D was smart af and had a dark humour. Not many people got his humour but Y/N did and she absolutely enjoyed it.

It didn't come easily to her to respect any of her classmates a lot, but she did respect D because of how very different and just awesome he was. Though, however awesome he was, there was absolutely no romantic shit between them two. They were just classmates which is why they hadn't talked in quite a while.

Y/N: yooo...so you getting what they tryna teach?

D: aw that's a cute wish

Y/N: Naw...but from what I've heard, you've been attending all the classes?

D: oh cuz...ATTENDANCE!

Y/N: tell me you ain't serious! This is literally the first online class I'm attending! My attendance is legit 0 and just another frickin' quarter of this academic year is left!

D: Exactly why I asked if you were ded.

Y/N: I'm screwed

D: you bet!

Y/N: and why tf are they teaching about the structure of a mf pollen grain!?!? Wasn't it supposed to be reproduction in humans!?

D: that's how life is, disappointing. And then they'd ask us to produce hamsters from a cat and a chair in the exams~

Y/N: I won't be surprised-

Y/N laughed. They kept on talking throughout the lecture and their conversation abruptly stopped as the lecture ended.

Y/N decided to attend the other lectures to talk to D. They had talked about all random stuff from secularism, capitalism, Wikipedia's algorithm to China's influence over manufacturing industries, and a lot more.

And contrary to how dull it would've sounded if it was someone else, D on the other hand had always succeeded in making the conversation fun and facts. He was one of the coolest people Y/N had ever come across.


Y/N: yo!

Kay: you seem in an especially good mood considering you attended all the lectures today? Weren't you supposed to end with the repro lecture in about half an hour?

Y/N: oh yep...they literally taught the structure of pollen and not repro in humans! MFs! Literally more than half the students simply left the class ;_;
Anyways.. I did attend all the lectures, I had been talking to D, a friend. I swear the guy's just awesome. One of the very few I consider actually good from our batch. His soul is dead but humour is alive 🦋

Y/N proceeded to send some of the screenshots of her chat with D.

Kay: oh wow

Y/N: you saying that sarcastically?

Kay: obviously. Wtf is funny in there...he's a boring dude

Y/N: oh and who's interesting? You!?

Kay: no shit Sherlock

Y/N was about to give him a whole damned speech on how D is awesome and how Kay is being a narcissist but she stopped as a thought hit her

Y/N: Are you ✨jealous✨?

Kay: Say what now-
Me jealous of that nauseatingly boring guy, you wish

Y/N: oh yea...the nauseatingly boring guy whom I like

Kay: you what!?!? Standards Y/N standards! You don't really like him! Believe me

Y/N was laughing at this point

Y/N: okay dude I get that you're jealous. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Stop!

Kay: ew I'm not 🤸🏻‍♂️

Y/N: yea, D is way better anyway. bye🥰


When even after 4 hours, Kay didn't reply, she had to ping on him.

Y/N: Oii kid! C'mon now

Kay: wut?

Y/N: don't be all grumpy now duh. You're being a lil too adorable

Kay: what really???? *blushes*

Y/N giggled. How could someone be comforting yet cold at one time and such an adorable kid the other! Though, she had never seen him, she could imagine a pair of doe eyes sparkling at his phone screen, in sarcasm.

Y/N: ughhh stop! If a 17 year old starts crushing on ya, it's all on you!

Kay: oh is the 17 year old already crushing now? (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞

Y/N: You wish! And go to sleep you dumb adorable kid! Sleep cozy, good night!

Kay: yea night! Also if you dunno already, I'M STILL PISSED AT THAT D GUY SHIT!

Y/N put her phone down and nestled in the bed, between the blankets like a baby...all the while crushing over Kay. Yep, she was crushing already. Yep, this shit was stupid.

Author's note: So since the last chapter was a lil short, here's an early update.💜🗿
Anddd,Who do y'all like more, D or Kay?👀

Editing me: the parts in the chat which are written like *this* are actually written like this as they chat with each other. It doesn't mean that they're irl doing the stuffs written like *this"

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