7. Jia!

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Y/N turned to her side half asleep as the sun rays coming in through the window hit her, ruefully making her shut her eyes tighter.

She turned her back to the window again trying to ease the sudden striking affect on her eyes and stretched her hand out reaching for her phone to see the time.

"Y/N!!!! It's 12 PM already! Wake up, quick!", shouted her Mum as she rushed into her room. "You know your Dad is really angry at you for waking up so late. It's the only thing he wants from you! Just for you to wake up early..and here you are, still in here when the clock is hitting 12!"

Y/N contorted her face as her fairyland was brought down to the harsh reality. She took a few moments to herself as her Mum stood in front of her resting her hand on the hip, waiting for Y/N to finally wake up.

Still half asleep, Y/N whined,"Mumma first off, it's not even 11..stop using this trick on me now...I am not a kid anymore. Also, Dad just wants me to wake up early but then you compensate for his minimal wish by wanting me to do literally every so called good thing a child should ideally do. Wake up on time, wash up on time, keep your room clean, keep your wardrobe organized, study harder, exercise, climb Mt Everest, land on Neptune and the list goes on!"

"Kids these days don't even value their privileges", her Mum kept going as Y/N cut her in, " And by privileges you mean same boring meals everyday, having to study everyday, getting shouted at everyday?"

Her Mum smiled snapping back, "Exactly what I meant by how you don't value these, not everyone gets to have a roof over their head, food on their plate, getting to study at the best school in the city, or having a parent who continues to bear with the lazy sloth that you are. Now quickly go wash up. Breakfast is on the kitchen counter."

Y/N nonchalantly got up, half hugged her mother who was folding the bedsheets and made her way to the washroom.


Her phone rang, cutting through the air as she read a novel.

It was Jia, her best friend. Jiya and Y/N had known each other since they were in grade 2. Though it was about 7 years ago that they got together really well.

So this bitch did finally get her phone back.

"Hellooooeeeuuu!", Y/N chimed.

"Yea how many assignment down, how many to go?"Jia sounded the least bit amused.

Y/N's enthusiasm went all the way down to hell,"0 down, 6 to go".

"Aww little princess wasn't able to get her assignments done? Not even one? Should we hire a torturer to make princess finally start with her assignments?", Jia spoke in a deliberate childish tone to mock her friend.

"Agh life is a torture enough! I can literally sum up my life in three phrases: birth, WTF, death. Voila!"

Jia had to laugh despite the stress, "Drag your dramatic ass elsewhere Y/N. Now better get going with the assignments or we're damned. I'm done with 2, 4 to go!"

Y/N groaned, "No one but you bears my drama you insensitive brat. Just send me your assignments, I'mma edit them a bit and prolly alter a few things and we're settled. "

Jia acted unimpressed, "Bitch I spent 3 nights working on it and you take it all just like that?"

Y/N laughed, "Just like that! Also, you don't really have anything better to do at nights so yea, good for you"

Jia snapped at that "Meh, as if you do. Just a casual reminder, you're just as single and a loner as I am. Thanks."

Y/N retorted, " Oh! Apparently I do. Wait, don't tell me you've ignored my messages again!!!! You're a real bitch ughhhh. You didn't read any of those screenshots, now did you?"

Jia hesitated, "Um yea...I mean there were so many so I thought I'd read em later... don't surprise me with a secret boyfriend though. Or with the news that you're pregnant or some."

"Jia it's our life, OURS. We ain't got no luck what so ever with guys. But well I'm in fact talking to a guy. A random one at that. He DMed me and he's actually cute. He's like 3 years older and I'm kinda crushing already."

"Desperate much? And yea I'm reading the screenshots right now..he does seem kinda cute though. Anyways, what about the school?", said Jia and Y/N suddenly grew anxious all over again, "First round results in 2 days."

Her friend calmed her down, "Don't stress over now, you'd get through. And I mean even if you don't, we are fucked up already so it'd be pretty much the same regardless of the result. Now I'm hanging up, gotta do yet another assignment just for you to steal it right off."

Y/N laughed, "Yea ma'am! You'd rightfully get your wages when I start earning for myself. Anyways, prep for the math test" Saying this, she hung the phone up.

Author's note: heyyya! Just a lil reminder, if you like the book so far, vote pwease (?). Also, I just edited a few book covers, I'd really want your opinion on it. One is the already existing cover and the other two are the new options. Comment on the cover you think is the best and should be put up, pweaseee
Also, I just died from BTS's Dicon videos...the dualty 🙂🔫

the dualty 🙂🔫

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