45. Whore

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"Jungkook don't." Jimin warned him for the last time but it was as if something had taken over his conscience. Jungkook just couldn't bring himself to maintain the peace right at that moment. And so he briskly stood up and moved over to their table.

With a pat on V's shoulder and a look boring into Y/N's eyes, Jungkook spoke, "We need to discuss something." He could see it in her eyes, the curiosity that he admired so much but right then, she veiled it and just nodded her head.

"Seriously!? What is it now?" Taehyung snapped just as they were out of Y/N's eyesight and earshot.

Jungkook took a deep breath to calm himself, "Are you fucking crazy? Do you not get that she's just 17 and more than half the people here are fucking drunk."

"You know what? You need to calm your nerves, I know what I am doing and she does too. Don't try to act all savior and shit." V snapped, he too was trying his best to stay calm.

Jungkook laughed in his face, a mockery clearly, "A savior? Yeah that's what I am forced to be just because you don't know shit about her. She is literally afraid of alcohol. She had not even seen it in person until tonight, when you thought it was okay to bring her here. Oh and at that, she's barely dressed. I don't know if you can see it or not but men here are ogling their eyes out to stare at here."

The way Jungkook reveled the information to Taehyung made him feel a rush of emotions, the highlight of them being self loathing and guilt. He solemnly spoke, "What do you propose then? She would be asking all sorts of questions if I take her out of here." His voice felt weak, defeated.

"Well that seems to be the only option though. Only if you were thoughtful enough to take her someplace else, we wouldn't have had to fret over this shit. Deal with it yourself." Jungkook barked.

Before storming off, all Taehyung uttered was, "Fine."


Taking a last glance towards their table, Jungkook decided it was better for him to go downstairs to stop himself from overthinking the night. It was maddening him how men stared at Y/N in all their perversity. Granted she really was sexy as fuck but it took everything in him to not knock the others off the moment they laid their eyes on her.

He was still standing just by the staircase when the couple trudged down. For a brief moment, his eyes met hers and it was becoming more and more difficult for him to not snatch her back from Taehyung. Jungkook knew he was being possessive like crazy but he couldn't care less about it. This was about Y/N, and nothing would be off limits when it comes to her.

Just as he was trying to reel back from his jealousy and possessiveness, he felt a nudge on his arm. A blonde boy about the same age as him that he recognized from a rookie group spoke to him over the music, "Hey, was it Taehyung ssi with that brunette in the short dress?"

Now is not the time asshole.

Jungkook barked, "Yes, it was."

"Oh damn. How much does she charge?" the blonde smirked.

The question made Jungkook snap his neck towards that boy and if looks could kill, that boy would have been dead. "What the fuck did you just say!?" he resisted the urge to beat the shit out of the rookie to give it the benefit of doubt that it was Jungkook who misheard him.

Noticing the change in his demeanor, the boy jerked back and let out an awkward laugh, "Ah calm down, would you? She just looks like a good deal with her tits and all, I bet y'all already share her. I just wondered if you'd let me borrow her for a night."

In the flick of a second, Jungkook's fist was met with that douche's jaw. The pure, unadulterated rage that flowed through his blood was unmatched to anything he had ever felt. The words that came out of that asshole's filthy mouth about Y/N played over in his mind on a loop which kept fueling the red hot anger that simmered in his being.

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