19. Anxiety

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Y/N: I'm kinda worried about the internship though...like it must be really tough getting one in a city like Seoul.. and I'm joining the school a whole week late...the other students already would've figured out their stuff

Kay: Chill the fur down damnnn....if the resume that you just sent me is genuine and you didn't forge it which I believe you surely did, you can easily get an internship

Y/N: You really not getting over the fact that I'm actually an accomplished person anytime soon eh?

Kay: Dude...you've led like six MF model diplomatic and political programs within the last year, you're a frickin' top student, can write, do art, can sketch, are awarded with what...like 50 something medals and certificates and are even moderately interesting to talk to... I didn't know I had been talking to SUCH a person.. I'm convinced you've forged all of this

Y/N: About the moderately interesting thing, damn you💕

Kay: Thankyou 💕

Y/N: TTYL. Gotta go meet D. He hadn't been there on the last school day. I'm going to the school with him for last few formalities

Kay: Oh that nauseatingly boring guy!? Wonder how shitty could your chosen company be

Y/N: Ah you remember him! Seems like he got another fan~ Also, He's like the coolest dude I've met. You aren't :) Periodt.

Kay: Yea go talk to him. Oh wait, why don't you marry him on the way back home altogether ? He's the cOoLeSt dude after all :)

Y/N: Ughh go on with being jelly. I'mma leave

Kay: huh. ME being jealous of h i m!? Ofc.
Anyways, Get back alive.


"Um hm...it's kinda like the school's policy that every student be an intern. It'd also add up to the application so yeah it's a win win. I'd hafta hustle a little though for I'm A WHOLE WEEK LATE! Yes Papa I'm looking at you!"

Y/N put her bag down as she talked with her parents. For the hundredth time now, she had taunted her father for being careless because of which her flight couldn't be booked at the right timing and she was now a week late to join the school.

"Okay now I've heard it more than enough to be recalled for a lifetime, life. Anyways, done with the formalities?" , her father asked casually.

"Oh yes. All's done. And D...uh Derek was also there so it got done earlier. He had to sort some school work himself and also helped me with the formalities so yea."

"I'm full cause I already had a meal at the cafe with him, so I'mma skip dinner today. Byeee" , she headed to her room.

"Sleep well hun. And check the packing for the last time. I'll wake you up at about 7 tomorrow. Sweet dreams!" her mother shouted out to Y/N who was walking up the stairs.

"Yeah! Good night",she responded back.


She was at the terrace again, sitting on top of the water tank. Tears fell down her eyes in a continuous stream. Y/N had her knees bent till her chest and both her hands limply lying on top of each knee.

Knowing that nothing could comfort her more than them, she put on Spring Day to play.

Just the start of Spring Day, that train's sound, blanketed her with comfort.

That's why she had loved BTS so much. They were there for her even when she failed to be there for herself. She had started accepting herself, learnt how so different was self love from being selfish, got herself comforted at her worst phases all because of them. The men who she had never, and would probably never meet in person, meant so damn much to her.

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