33. Sensitive

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“What?”, a dressed up Y/N standing at the door asked Jungkook who was standing opposite to her, rubbing his eyes. It was obvious that he had just woken up and rushed to her room.
Although, as he saw Y/N, his eyes widened making the girl question.

“Oh…no nothing. You’re looking…different.” He poorly tried to reason.
Waving it off, she went back to the mirror to put on her minimal make-up consisting of some BB cream, lip tint and blush. She also preferred doing her brows at times.

In the reflection of the mirror, the girl saw Jungkook sitting down on the bed and looking at her doing the touch up.
Furrowing her brows and still looking at him through the mirror, she asked, “What really? Is the outfit not looking good or is it the hairstyle or the make-up?”

She wore straight blue jeans with an oversized jumper tugged in. Her hair were brushed down and lightly clutched at the back.

Looking down, Jungkook fiddled with his fingers, “No actually

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Looking down, Jungkook fiddled with his fingers, “No actually. I really dunno how but”, his eyes lifted to look at her, “you look pretty”, he said looking unsure.
And soon after saying this, he felt a hand being placed at his forehead. Attending to his confusion, Y/N said, “Was just checking your temperature. You seem sick, or you wouldn’t have called me pretty, not in this lifetime at least.”

“Duh so you don’t like compliments now?” he asked away, seeming uninterested.
Y/N reverted just as fast, “Duh so you don’t actually know how to compliment now?” Saying this, she went back to keep the make-up contents back into the pouch.

 Y/N reverted just as fast, “Duh so you don’t actually know how to compliment now?” Saying this, she went back to keep the make-up contents back into the pouch

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And when she turned, Jungkook stood in front of her, closer than ever.
Looking up into his eyes, her breathing grew heavier. With bated breath, she watched him staring deep into her dark orbs. Slowly bringing his hand up close to her neck, he lightly pushed back the hair resting on her left shoulder.

Y/N was speechless. All the girl could do was to see the man in front of her and marvel at his beauty. The scene seemed to unfold in a very slow, sensitive aura.

Still lightly touching the back of her shoulder, he leaned forward. The motion made Y/N crane her neck sidewards and allow him access.
After what seemed like an eternity of sensitivity, his soft lips touched the flesh of her neck.

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