27. Karma is a bitch

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"Y/N? Is everything okay?" What. The. Fuck. Xkekdokrurmwpod. Kim Taehyung stood at the doorway a little away from the storage which Y/N had just escaped.

 Kim Taehyung stood at the doorway a little away from the storage which Y/N had just escaped

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Everything is okay? No sir. You're fucking with my head. The key point here was that Taehyung had stripped off his jacket that he had worn earlier and just donned a deep neck black T-shirt instead.

"Oh? Yea, I guess? EVERYTHING IS OKAY." Why the fuck did I just yell!? His gaze turned questioning, "Okay then...I kinda heard a little noise from the direction which you came from. Anyways, where are you headed to now?"
There was a long pause, then he spoke again, "Y/N?"

She snapped out of the momentary trance given to her by the view in front. She reshuffled her mind to function better. "Oh right...I will probably go to my school campus now. I have to manage a lot of paperwork", an awkward laugh escaped her lips.

He smiled. He fucking smiled. "I suppose you are to be transferred to your own place though? Offered by the company?"

Oh. Oh.

"I..yes I suppose so bu-" He quickly cut in, "There are two options, either an apartment or a house." He extended his hand towards her, still smiling, "Let me show you around and help you decide?"

Did he just...offer to accompany me?

Without any more thought, Y/N slid her hand into his, "Yes sir. But the paperwork?" She smiled like a kid. The man replied, a huge boxy smile adorning his beautiful face, "That would be taken care of."

"Y/N! Bitch! How could you- hold up, am I interrupting something?" Jungkook said, coming from the same direction that Y/N had come from.
In unison, both Taehyung and Y/N yelled, "YES."

Taehyung looked confusedly at Jungkook, "Wait...why are you walking like that?"
Jungkook's eyes shot upto hers and despite the efforts of trying to resist, Y/N broke out into laugher. Taehyung now looked at her, "Am I missing something?"

Jungkook looked away from the laughing girl and spoke, "Yeah, for your own good. Anyways, carry on with whatever you two were wasting your time on. I need to...seek some medical attention."
He turned around and walked away.

Y/N had teared up from laughing so much. The anime boy beside her looked confused, "I think he isn't okay."
Wiping her moist eyes, she said, "Bet he is."


It was a short walk from the BigHit building. The exclusive staff housing was very well maintained and looked no less than a fairytale village. Suddenly Taehyung halted. "What?", the girl questioned. As her eyes fell onto the backdrop of where the man stood, her jaw fell open. "No fucking way."


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