26. I resign

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As Y/N finally reached the lounge with Jimin to meet the rest of BTS, Jimin stopped abruptly making Y/N bump into him. "Owwww", she squealed as her nose hurt from walking straight into the man. Jimin turned and and held her shoulders, "Oh oh shit. Are you hurt?"

"No it's fine", she said rubbing the bridge of her nose, "but why did you just stop?" Jimin looked around, "Where's Jungkook?"

The girl looked around as well noticing the boy in question wasn't there. Good for me...Jesus Christ. "Must have skipped to someplace. Shall we keep moving now?"

Jimin hummed and led her to the expanse of the lounge lined with couches, bean bags and luxury. She hesitantly followed behind. On a couch spread in front of her, the other members sat, their back towards her. Hearing both of them come, several faces turned towards her way.

Lemme quickly kill myself. This can't be real.

The very first face that she noticed had turned was Jin's. He isn't called world wide handsome for nothing, you know.

Her jaw fell open seeing the beauty in front of her. His sleek black hair styled back to expose his forehead. How can I fall in love with someone's forehead what the fuck! The girl questioned her sanity. Jin looked like a Greek god and not even heavens would dare disagree. He wore a monochrome light blue sweatsuit and looked exquisite. The way his perfect feature adorned his glass skin, all positioned at perfect ratios, undoubtedly making his the perfect face to exist. Pink lips placed below the beautiful structure of his nose enhanced his visuals. Prominent eyebrows rested above his large eyes. The jawline chiseled and the neck with the protruding Adam's apple made his beauty all the more tough to resist. The shoulders. World wide shoulders.

Just beside the IRL Greek God sat her Sunshine. Oh My Lord I love him. Hoseok looked up at her, his face brightening up even the darkest part of her conscience. He smiled at her with his subtle dimples showing below the prominent cheekbones. His face was structured sharp, yet his features soft, making the equilibrium balanced to the finest. Hoseok really was everything a person could ever ask for, he was happiness itself.

Still in daze, Y/N slowly moved around the couch to face the men sitting there. Papi choke me! She almost cried at the sight of the finest man ever, President Kim Namjoon. Dimples!!!! His buffed chest could bring any person down to their knees in a second. "All girls are his bitches, all guys are gay for him. Period."

"WHAT?" Jimin's voice erupted from beside her. She looked at him, shocked, "Don't tell me I thought out loud or I'll dig my grave and rest there for eternity." The loudness of laugter in the room was enormous. Y/N turned all red because of the embarrassment she had brought upon herself, "I- I didn't-"

"Ah that's okay. Don't be embarrassed. It just seems like you are reading a lot of fan fictions lately." The only man in the room not laughing spoke, Yoongi.

She couldn't help but tried to bury herself into Jimin's chest, the person with whom she had felt the safest for all her time in Korea. Jimin rubbed at her biceps and laughed, "It's fine Y/N. It's just that what you said was a little...sudden." He continued laughing.

"Is she Y/N?", a deep voice echoed. She lifted her head to look towards the door. I'll palpitate my ovaries out. He's unreal. Kim Taehyung, wearing a black Fila Jacket and matching pants entered. Y/N lost her balance and Jimin helped her to the nearby bean bag. "Aish what happened? Oh did you not eat anything after the breakfast?"

"I made her some peanut butter sandwiches.", Yoongi credited himself.

"Hey! Welcome Y/N, you're so cute!" , Taehyung exclaimed, lightly pinching her cheek. Kim fucking Taehyung called ME cute?

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