60. Writer? No, Lover!

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"I will probably be cooped up here for some time okay"

He nodded, "Not like you ever shy away from it but just know that you can order me around, I consent to it."

She ruffled his hair in response and moved to her study desk.

"I will be going down for some time, will you be okay?" he asked.

She hummed in the affirmative, busy with her laptop already. Jungkook kissed her head before walking out.

When he reached the ground floor, Taehyung was already seated on a bench near a tree. He walked over and sat beside him.

"Was I too harsh?" he asked as soon as Jungkook was in earshot.

"Yeah well, you managed to make her cry, like really hard." The younger replied.

Taehyung flinched hearing the response. "I couldn't help it okay, I was losing it. I am losing it. She worries me more than the world."

"Hyung..." Jungkook said in a low voice, "I am scared. I am so so scared. I tried my best to not show it in front of her but I am such a huge fuck up. I am so sorry."

Taehyung noticed that Jungkook was biting hard on his lower lip to keep himself from crying. He held his hand and squeezed it.

"Why did we have to fall for the same person?" he wondered aloud.

"And why did this person have to be such a risky ass dumb bitch?"

"And why are we both so madly in love with this risky ass dumb but precious bitch?"

"Sike, at least my love is not unrequited."

V smacked Jungkook on the head, "As if I couldn't have tried to shoot my shot despite you. At least be grateful that I peacefully let it go."

"Did you move on?"

"Would you have moved on?"

Jungkook shook his head 'no', "You know, I was doing just about all right without her, you all were with me and we were doing well. But then she came into my life and it was like I had never lived before. Being with her makes me the happiest humanly possible. Just having to imagine my life without her makes me not want to live."

"Dramatic" Taehyung laughed, "but same. I have made peace with the fact that I cannot have her as my partner but just having her close by is good enough. It at least gives me a reason to wake up in the morning."

"Come on now, I feel bad."

"To have stolen Y/N from me?"

"To see what a sore loser you are." Jungkook nonchalantly replied, receiving another smack on his head.

"But for real, this girl came into our lives out of nowhere and now we cannot imagine it without her."

"Will everything be okay?" Jungkook sighed.

Taehyung held him close, resting his head against Jungkook's, "I believe in her."

"Me too."


"Hey" Jungkook called out, peeking into Y/N's room.

She closed her eyes shut to relieve the fatigue from being on the laptop for too long and turned her chair around to look at him. "Hey", Y/N replied.

"Want me to make you coffee? Or ramyeon? You know what, I can even make you spaghetti, just ask for it. I feel pretty useless lying around while you're here working your ass off."

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