5. It's D

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Y/N: My head's hurting like hell!!!!!!!!

Kay: Woah woah...what happened.. ✨hangover? Anxiety? Hit your head against a wall? post sex tension?✨

Y/N: ~says a virgin :)

Kay: Hey you stfu about my sex life k :)

Y/N: The sex life that doesn't even exist to begin with :)
Anyway, this shit ass headache is because I didn't get a minute of sleep to myself, fuck education

Kay: Oh yes! How was your exam? When are you jumping off the bridge?💕

Y/N: I swear this school is fucked up...the questions were outta the fucking syllabus! Also, I have good faith in my teacher that she'd not mind eating up my grades for nothing :)

Kay: So you basically are going to jump off the bridge?💕

Y/N: Fuck off💕
I'd score full maybe btw💅🏼

Kay: So you're not going to jump off the bridge after all
Don't worry, life is long, you'd get enough opportunities to want to eat rat poison or sumn☺️

Y/N: Me choosing to become a psychopathic killer and murdering your ass sounds even cuter though 🥰

Kay: damn..you got no chills...you on your period or wut?

Y/N: Wait- nO-
Hell no-
PMS, Exams, shit ass two faced bitches ruining my peace and then finally my period. I am now seriously considering become a psychopathic killer.
Yes, sounds good.

Kay: nO- 😀
Also, PMS?

Y/N: Pre menstrual syndrome.. it's basically a hell before hell...ISTG people with a uterus have their lives damned 😍

Kay: Isn't that a lil dramatic?

Y/N: See bitch, here's the thing. Don't dare provoke me about the qualms of being a uterus bearer ever again because I am serious when I talk about becoming a murderer

Kay: Woah OkAy...is it that bad?

Y/N: Being born with a uterus?YES...YES, IT'S THAT BAD, VERY!
My periods are especially shitty.. I get like the worst cramps ever! I could choose dying over those cramps if I could honestly... they're that bad

Kay: oh... honestly, idk what to say but yep...though I can't do nothing for your cramps, I'd try my best to talk to you, maybe make you feel a lil better, get your mind off those mf cramps, and I'd...yk...pretty much stay with you

Kay: that is if you want alright.. only if you want...I dun wanna make you uncomfortable or sound like a creep who's really bad at trying to flirt cuz I actually am good at it 🚶🏻‍♀️

Y/N: Boyfriend material much?

Kay: hey dun make it awkward.. I ain't even trying, I'm just naturally the best person to exist
And prolly just kinda like talking with you

Y/N: Now the last bit makes me think you do have a bit of intelligence 🤡

Kay: I wasn't flirting or anything okay, I was genuinely saying..idk why I'm having to make myself clear again and again
Oh wait maybe because you're an overthinker 🤡

Y/N: ugh bye I'm off to attending my online lecture

Kay: I thought you didn't attend those on-line lectures?

Y/N: Damn right I don't!
But today's topic is reproduction in human beings ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Kay: aw bub what's the need to attend the lecture...here I am, I'd teach you...details included!
Even practicals if you want ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ

Y/N: Kay, that one was cringe 🚶🏻‍♀️

Kay: Well your existence is cringy too but I didn't complain🚶🏻‍♀️

Y/N: Did you just-

Kay: Yes, yes I did🥰



Y/N: Ugh BYE


Y/N checked to see who all were present in the lecture, practically the whole class was. All of them students entered with weird, random names just to create a mess as they usually did. Y/N saw a certain someone called DeadBeforeBirth just when a message from that very same guy popped up.

Private chats

Him: you ded?

Y/N: Alive. Barely.

Him: For a moment, I seriously considered reporting your death

Y/N: me too but who's this...I mean I can't figure out cuz of the weird ass username.

Him: it's me, D

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