16. Little things

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I'm so gonna regret this, he sighed and finally made the phone call.


"Don't act dead!" Jia screamed.

Y/N layed sprawled on the couch with a blanket covering half of her body as she stared at the TV, watching Netflix. She turned her head towards her friend who was standing to her side with a bowl of nachos in her hands. "Hm?" Y/N asked.


"You got no chills or what" she lamely replied.

Jia was losing her patience, "Yea I got no chill and apparently you got a little too much of it. You've been laying here for 2 hours now Y/N! Just because you can't attend that school, it doesn't mean you gonna behave like a zombie. As for what I remember, what were your words...'Jia I need support, I need assurance that I can do it...I've been trying to send the mail but I just can't believe my dreams are shattering, be my support' . And here I am trying to be your support and to get you to send that mail from 3 hours now. Try to get over the heartbreak!" Y/N looked at Jia with the most innocent puppy face. Jia marked, "Don't you dare give that look to me! Bruh, now for real, if you don't confirm your cancellation by today, the admission fees won't be refunded. Just do it Y/N."

Y/N had been trying to draft the final email to her school confirming that she won't be attending the school. If she didn't do it by early, a huge sum of admission fees would be taken over by the school. She knew she had to send that mail, but just couldn't bring herself to deliberately turn the opportunity down.

"I'ma do it after finishing this episode alright. Gimme that bowl and crash."

Jia handed over the bowl to Y/N and plunged into a bean bag, "Fine. But do it after this episode without fail. It'll keep on becoming tougher if you delay it."

She munched on the nachos thinking about how awesome would it have been if she could go to the school. All the adventure sports, team projects, debates, interactive sessions, art workshops...she would be missing out on so much. As if pulling her back from her temporary depression, her phone rang.


She didn't find the ringtone familiar. This wasn't her phone's default ringtone. Placing the confusion aside, she got up from the couch to grab her phone kept on Jia's study table.

What the....


Kay was the most nervous at this moment than he had been in all his life. Ugh what the hell...you've done much more risky things...buck up, just do it! He tried convincing himself.


Y/N was hesitant but she knew there had to be a reason. She didn't even know this app even had a phone call feature until now. Hesitant and nervous down to her bits, she accepted the call, "Check your email inbox. Right now." And the line went dead.

Wait what the fuck?

"Who's it?" Jia's voice rang in her ears.

She turned back to look at Jia who had now helped herself to nachos. Staring at her friend, Y/N simply said, "Kay called."

Hearing this, Jia choked on the nachos, "WHAT?"

She slowly walked to the couch, "Kay called and just asked me to...check my inbox?" her voice sounded emotionless as her confusion was very clear.

Her friend profusely stared at her, "And why's that?"

Y/N looked at Jia as if she was the dumbest bitch, "How would I know!? He just asked me to do that and the line went dead." She recalled how his voice had been raspy, sexy and.... nervous?

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