47. Ice Cream/Wet Dreams

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“Woah okay what was that?” Jungkook asked Y/N as they got back to their table. He was clearly taken aback by the exchange between the two women.

Y/N narrowed her eyes as she spoke, “No what was THAT? Why was that bitch clinging onto you and how dare she call you her bunny!?”

The boy widened his eyes so as to better absorb what she had just said, “Okay? Y/N? Are you the jealous type?”

She could feel her cheeks flaring up as Jungkook called her out, “No, I’m not! I just know when a bitch is trying to shoot her pathetic shot at MY man.”

My man, eh? You’re definitely the jealous type.” He smirked.

“I told you I’m not! And you, you dumbfuck. Don’t you dare smile at these random bitches who are falling to the floor for you. She was fucking gawking at you! Oh, and why the hell did you have to look so good today!? Bitches would obviously be drooling!” Y/N spoke in a single breath.

Jungkook laughed, “I can’t help that God took his own sweet time creating me.” He paused, “Wait, why are you not eating your ice cream now?”

The girl pouted at him, “I don’t want to. You offered it to her, hell, you were even smiling at her. Of course you would…she’s so pretty…so much more than me.” She looked away from Jungkook’s gaze as the words left her mouth.

The man held her chin to make her face him. He leaned in and kissed her, slowly, passionately. As his tongue prodded her bottom lip, Y/N turned into putty in his hands and easily granted him entrance.

There was something about him, he just knew what he was doing so perfectly. As their tongues battled for dominance along their lips grazing against themselves, his hand moved to the nape of her neck, pushing her roughly into the kiss, making her fight for dominance even more. And while she did that, his other hand slipped under her t-shirt, trailing upwards.

As the cold skin of his fingertips grazed her warm skin, goosebumps alerted all over herself. As his hand reached her unclothed breast, her body jolted forward into his grip, her fingernails digging into his muscular biceps.

All it took was for the sinful hand of Lucifer to run the pad of his thumb over the apex of her breast, making her moan into his mouth, making her loose the battle of dominance. She could feel him smile proudly into the kiss but she was too deep into it to care about her own pride. She let him take her, as he liked, however he desired.

His nimble finger ran in circles over her breast making her shallow for breath but he didn’t leave, he didn’t care as he sucked the living lust out of her, and right when his fingers  gently pinched and rolled over her nub, she came undone as a moaning, whimpering mess. The mess that he devoured with his expert mouth.

It was crazy to her how responsive she was to him. Even that was understandable, but Y/N couldn’t fathom how even could he make her come without even touching here there. And at that, making her come so intensely.

Jungkook finally let go of Y/N, resting his forehead against hers and put his hands on the sides of her neck. Her hands were still resting on his biceps, as she steadied her breath, riding down her high. She now understood how he pushed her to fight more, just to prove that even at her toughest, she was his, all his and would just as gladly loose to him everytime he wished.

When Y/N’s eyes met Jungkook’s face, the realization that his busted lip was bleeding again due to her sucking on it seeped through her. But instead of worrying over it, she felt the coppery taste of blood over her own mouth and ran her tongue along her bottom lip to devour any bit of it left on herself. It felt hot, arousing.

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