38. The night of firsts

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TW: self hate, mild smut

She looked up at him, “I can’t.”

“What is it? Did you not want it?” He questioned, worried that he had made her uncomfortable. Hesitantly, she asked, “No its not that…I don’t know how to explain. Why did you kiss me?” The boy frowned, “Huh?”

“I am asking, why did you kiss me? I’m not even pretty.” She said in a dull tone. Jungkook came to snuggle up beside her in the swing. He crossed his legs and looked into her eyes, “And who told you that you aren’t pretty?”

Y/N couldn’t maintain the eye contact and searched for anything to focus her sight on but Jungkook’s piercing gaze forced her to face him, “You don’t have to be polite about it you know. No one tells you that you aren’t pretty, everyone knows it though. Especially every frickin’ person here is so good looking, and then there’s me. I just…nevermind.” She ended with a sigh.

His face relaxed as his spoke in his warm, comfort giving voice, “Y/N, speak to me. Tell me what’s with the ‘being pretty' thing. I wanna know.”

There was something about Jungkook that made you speak your mind to him with the assurance of not being judged, being heard, being important. And so did the girl feel. As strong minded as she was, Y/N confided in him with ease.

“Before I tell you, just know that I don’t really need any false consoling. I am not the prettiest and I’ve made peace with it.” A nod from the boy made her continue, “you see there are so many parts of me that just aren’t beautiful…my insecurities basically. I ain’t skinny, stretch marks cover the entirety of my thighs, I don’t have the most perfect skin, I don’t have curves at the right places, my nose isn’t perfect, my lips aren’t the most plump. There’s just so many things. I know the whole thing about body positivity and stuff and I really don’t need to hear it for the seventy third time…it’s just that however much I try to convince myself about loving my insecurities, I can’t. That’s precisely why they’re called INSECURITIES and not securities duh. I just can’t. I’m not pretty and honestly, I’ve made peace with it. I mean, definitely not ugly, but not super good looking either. So, I am not sure if I’m confident enough to strip myself bare and let my insecurities be put on display…and that too in front of you. You’re like one of the most perfectly carved persons by the hands of the Almighty. I just don’t understand why a person like you, who has the most steaming hot girls simping over him, choose to kiss me.”

Jungkook’s large eyes were fixed on her face, a wistful smile playing on his lips. “Do you feel comfortable with me?”

“Bruh…like I could trust my life with you seven. Or maybe not with you to be honest. Anyway, I’m obviously comfortable or I wouldn’t be sitting here with you in the middle of the night.”

“Trust me?” he asked again. “Duh”, Y/N said, rolling her eyes. Jungkook stood up in front of her, and offered her his hand. She chuckled at him being so dramatic but put her hand in his and stood up.

“What is it coconut?” she chuckled as Jungkook directed her to the edge of the hot tub. Her chuckling self faltered just as quick when she saw the look in his eyes. Dear Lord.

If poets wrote about that moment, they would describe his otherwise harmless, doe eyes as the stark opposite. Orbs of red hot lava, dangerously beautiful, threateningly inviting. And such an effect he had on her. The more passionate and dominant that he looked, the more she was being drawn in to his aura, recklessly risking herself.

He stood tall in front of her, his black eyes boring into hers, “Do you find no insecurity in me? Does everything of mine seem perfect to you?”

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