43. God Is A Woman

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“Well hello you!” V gave her the biggest smile as he entered into her apartment. Y/N was already dressed casually with her hair tied up in a bun as she greeted him.

She smiled back, “Welcome Monsieur!” Y/N tried to gesture him to come in dramatically which cracked them both up.

“Thanks so much! You’re the sweetest, cutest and weirdly moody person. I had been wanting to read those books.” Y/N said pouring soda into a glass for her guest. She handed him the glass and continued, “and the flowers, oh my god the flowers! I like them so much!”

Taehyung took a sip of the beverage, “I spent about twenty good minutes contemplating whether you’d like peonies and lilacs or roses and lillies better. But I guess the latter was a little too clichè.”

Y/N chuckled, “Bruh roses are overrated.”

“So is love.” Taehyung dramatized making them both laugh.

“Well where are we gonna shop from though? Is there some mall as well reserved just for idols or y’all shop like normal people.” She joked.

Taehyung was clearly in a much better mood compared to morning, “Ah well we can make one.” He bragged, earning an eye roll from Y/N. “Seriously though, I guess we’ll just have to go to this high end mall which is a ten minute ride from here, and even then, I’ll have to have my mask and shades on.” He sighed, “Oh and I guess you’ll have to do so too.” Taehyung said making the girl raise her brow in question while she helped herself to some guava juice.

“Woah okay you clearly haven’t checked your phone. You’re trending on Twitter. Although the majority of people are in your support, there would always be some who shit just about anything they hear, so don’t mind them.” He explained.

“Bruh it’d be exhausting. I’m deliberately avoiding my phone. I’ve logged out of all my social media and sure as fuck ain’t going back anytime soon.” Y/N sighed in exhaustion, “and about the high end mall thing, you sure I’d be able to afford the shit there? I don’t want be homeless by the time we’re done shopping.”

The boy shook his head, “Please Y/N, now is not the time. You are my date and I’m spoiling you today, end of discussion.”

What is with these men giving me the 'please Y/N’ attitude-

“Tae you already know how I feel about anyone spending money on me.” She stated the already debated point.

“And I know why is that. You don’t want to regret taking the gift later but I guess we’ve already come to a point where you know the formalities should be non existent. Did you argue with Jia when she wanted to get you anything?”

Y/N laughed, “No we were both broke.” She seemed to give it a thought and continued, “Okay then, but don’t spend preposterously. I already know y’all are millionaires.” She rolled her eyes but gave in.


“Um…does this look nice?” Y/N's voice was very unlike herself in the moment, it was too small to go along with her typical bold, confident tone.

She was still busy evening out any possible wrinkles on her dress when two voices simultaneously echoed, “Fuck!”

She looked up to find both Jungkook and Taehyung sitting on the black leather couch just outside the changing room. The two men stared at her with their eyes wide and jaw dropped open.

Onto Y/N’s body hung a satin dress, draping perfectly around her curves. The dress stopped just at the middle of her thighs, one of which adorned a thin accessorized chain which, in some way, added to how sexy she looked. Dainty noodle straps of the dress accentuated her already prominent collarbone. The thin layered chains that she wore rested perfectly on the valley between her pushed up breasts.

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