29. Raw death

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The first thing that the girl saw on stepping out of the bathroom was Jungkook who was clearing the creases of the newly changed bedsheet. She moved towards him, “Um…I’ll manage on my own? Like…I expected you to leave so…” With his attention still on the work in hand, he briefly spoke, “Yea and leave you to die.”

“So you gonna stay?”, her composure calm on the outside while fire was burning within. He simply gave her a 'duh' expression to which she again questioned, “All right and…where would you sleep cause I am damn well sleeping on my bed.”

As the girl said this, the man in question slowly trudged towards her, positioning himself dangerously close. With his voice a whisper, he said, “Oh? The bed is for two, and well, we are two…unless you want to make more of us.” He concluded his statement with a devilish smirk.

“Jeon Jungkook what the-” He cut her mid sentence, “JeOn JuNgKoOk WhAt tHe HeLL, I aM gOd'S cHiLd, Don’t cOmE nEaR mE.” He accurately mimicked her and continued, “Bleh, do you really think I’ll share a bed with YOU? I’m sleeping on the couch so save the sass.”  

How is he the same man who warmed my clothes minutes ago WTF-

“Oh by the way, I bought you some ice cream cause that apparently helps with the mood swings, and I sure don’t want your bipolar ass to activate your alter ego and kill me in the middle of the night. It’s in the fridge there.” Saying this, off he went to plop down on the couch with a pillow and a blanket.

Y/N took the ice cream bucket and went to comfort herself on the bed. Bruh…did he do this too? The bedsheets and blankets were warm too just like her clothes had been. Apparently, the black haired boy put the blankets and bedsheets in the drier as well before arranging them.

She smiled to herself and looked for the TV remote. Then it caught her attention, Jeon Jungkook was in charge of the TV remote. He was just skimming through shows to watch which was starting to irritate the girl given how he just didn’t chose a single show to finally watch. Her patience broke, “Ughhh would you just choose something!?” He casually ignored her. “Bridgerton!”, the girl ordered. To her surprise, he followed and put the show on play.


Through the middle of episode two, the girl fell asleep of the exhaustion but Jungkook just couldn’t sleep. The image of Y/N being devasted was etched in his mind which he so badly wanted to forget. The way she cried like there was no tomorrow, like she has been through raw death. Tempted by his thoughts, he got up from the couch and moved towards the bed to check up on her.

The boy carefully removed the almost empty ice cream bucket from her hands and adjusted the pillows and blanket to cover her properly. Gently, his hands moved to swipe the strands of hair aside from her forehead. In that moment, he was desperate for just one affectionate touch. No, dont. Just don’t. All the logical thoughts were slipping by faster, the more he looked at her. Finally, he leaned his head towards her face and…a tear escaped her eyes. The boy was perplexed, she was deep asleep but yet crying. It pained him and as he realized the consequences of the action that he was about to commit, a weird feeling washed over him, a feeling of recklessness, shame and self pity.

As he turned and moved away from the bed, some rustling caught his attention. Y/N sat there, half asleep, clutching at her abdomen. The boy just stood there motionless, not knowing what to do. Her expressions turned more concerning by the second. Slowly, with all the energy in her body, she swept her legs off of the bed and tried to stand up. Jungkook dashed towards her, “What’s it? Are you okay?” All he heard her say was, “Get me to the washroom, quick!”

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