21. Send nudes

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She navigated to the waiting lobby at the Seoul Incheon international airport. The flight had landed half an hour back and Y/N was now trawling her luggage to get it to someplace safe.

When the luggage was kept well in place, she sighed. Though the thought of travelling alone was thrilling, she dearly missed her parents who would manage the formalities and she had to do no shit, she longed for it, given that the poor girl didn't even have a full hour of good sleep. She strapped her backpack onto her shoulders and turned in her place to see the food court through the glass walls of the lobby. My love, here I come!

Hurrying to the food court, Y/N turned off the flight mode of her phone. Notifications came flooding. Food first, food second, everything else third.

She made herself comfortable in one of the corner couches after having ordered some dim sum and Sprite. Her food came to her table in no time.

Like any wise human would do, leaving all the worries of the world, Y/N dug into her food, tears distinctly visible on her cheeks as she took in the first bite. Where have you been all this time, huh? I missed you. I love you so much. Yes, she was confessing her love for food. And that be respected.

After savouring herself with one of the very few goodness of this cruel world, Y/N got back to her phone.

7 missed calls. 19 new notifications.

Woah, okay...I'm suddenly important?

She checked the missed calls first. One was from her Dad, one from Jia and remaining five from her Mum.

She called Jia first. The call was answered on the fourth ring.

"Yo! So the flight has obviously landed and I'm still at the airport. Would be heading to the campus now." she informed while sipping on her Sprite. Jia replied, "Nah I wouldn't have called. Your Mum made me call ya. Anyways, why you still at the airport?"

"I was starving duh. And bruh I couldn't sleep well last night, I'm so frickin' tired I could sprawl down here. Anyways, I knew Mumma made you call, and that's exactly why I called you first. If I call her, she would want to get the detail of every square inch of the distance I've covered until now. And in no way do I have the energy enough to do so. You call and tell her that I'll be at the campus shortly and would talk to her tomorrow. And yea that I've had food at the airport itself, the flight landed an hour before, I couldn't nap on the flight, I got all my luggage and I've checked it and that I am alright. Phew."

"Lemme write ALL that down. Nevermind, just text me if you reach the campus alive and in one peace." Jia said, her concern for Y/N coming through. "Would do. Bye!" , Y/N concluded and hung the call up.

Her eyes were almost stinging from not getting rest, yet she chose to check the notifications out as another one popped up. Many were her Instagram updates. She quickly went through them, attending to some comments and DMs.

After getting done with everything else, she finally chose to open Snapchat.

Kay: Hey! Text me when you reach the airport.

Kay: Also, welcome to Seoul kiddo ♡︎

Thanks Kay, she chuckled,looking at her surroundings, taking in the realization that she finally was in South Korea. Ahhhh finally!

Y/N: Yo! I'm here~

He responded very quickly.

Kay: You still at the airport right?

Y/N: Um...yea, why?

Kay: You ain't heading to the campus now? I thought you were

Y/N: Was boutta book a cab. Thought to check the notifs first

Kay: Where exactly are you at the airport?

Though she had come to trust Kay, she obviously was smart enough to not take a risk like such in a foreign country. Call it paranoia or sensibility, she just couldn't let all ends loose.

Y/N: Aight listen. I trust ya and we're friends. But you do know right that it's stupid on my part to share all my information including my current location with ya when I'm all alone in a foreign land. You can call me paranoid but I ain't willing to take no risks.

Kay: Thank heavens you're at least this responsible. If you gave me the location straight up, I would've come to smack sense into your stupid skull. But now, I do need the location.

Y/N: Don't be vague duh

Kay: I am at the airport...well, was waiting for ya since a whole fawkin hour. You're a kid so

Y/N: Bruh, practically speaking, I don't even know what you do, what you look like, if you're a good person IRL. Like, what if you're a mafia and choose to murder me

Kay: Yea ofc I'm a vampire too. Look, we're at the airport alright. This is a public place, no one can do you harm. Also, after meeting me, if you wanna leave, you're free to, but I'm very certain that you'd trust me after we meet. Also, coming to the airport and not meeting up at someplace less crowded was one of the reasons to ensure your safety so yea

Y/N: How are ya so sure that I'd trust ya after meeting?

Kay: Some shit can't be answered on phone Y/N. If I could, I would've duh

She carefully weighed the risks. True that the airport was probably one of the safest places. Also the fact that Kay already had enough information about her if he had wanted to pull a stunt off and her being anywhere else would be more prone to danger than the airport.

Y/N: I'm at the food court of the second terminal. The Dim Sum Tales to be exact.

Kay: Is it very crowded?

She looked around.

Y/N: Not much. Just a couple other people.

Kay: Alright I'm headed there.

Y/N: Wait, how am I gonna identify ya?

Kay: You need not. I would identify you. Send nudes

Y/N: Fuck you

Kay: JK.. whatchu wearing?

Y/N: A lavender colored sweat suit, white sneakers and a blue Adidas backpack.

Kay: Aish, typical "airport look" , also I prefer Fila

Y/N: As if I'll get clicked by the paparazzi duh

Kay: You just hope not

Y/N: Wut?

Kay: Nothing. I'm on my way.


It was ten minutes already since Kay had last texted. Y/N ordered a pastry in the meantime and was scrolling through her Instagram explore page which was flooded with BTS stuff.

She watched a video of Jhope doing the Kiki challenge from long back, still awed even after having seen it so many times before. How. Is. He. So. Fucking. Perfect. And. Cool. Tf!?

A pretty waitress brought her pastry order and chimed in when she saw the video of Jhope, "Ahhhhh he's my bias. My Sunshine! Who's your bias by the way?"
Y/N's face lit up at finding a fellow ARMY, "I know right he's so perfect! I was internally screaming. And oh well...long time I've tried having a bias, I just can't choose. Am an OT7." Y/N gave the lady her prettiest smile. "Ah yes, I love them all so much ugh. I'll take a leave now. Gotta get back to work. See ya around!" saying this, the lady moved back to the counter.

Just as Y/N was about to attack her beautiful chocolate truffle pastry, she was interrupted.

Author's note: Let's meet Kay, shall we?

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