23. Temper

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As Y/N slowly absorbed the fact that she was with two members of The BTS, she started feeling more conscious about everything...herself, the surroundings, the whole fucking situation. She had wanted to strangulate herself over the fact that Jungkook and Jimin had seen her actual morning face. Hey, God. You do hate me. Don't you?

After a good few (27 minutes) of thoroughly judging herself, she came back to the idea to drop it. Get ready, get answers, stop over analysing.

Though it pained her to part with the beautiful feeling of laying numbly in warm water, she persuaded her mind to work a little more practically. Y/N nervously stepped outside after having dried herself. The same white robe wrapped around her body and her hair still a little wet, she stood at the entrance to the room, in trance.

Jeon Jungkook was bare chested. Though his back faced her, she could just feel herself melting into a puddle. What was this man. What in the best body proportions. The girl had her face blank, jaw dropped open and eyes bulged out as a thousand different emotions rustled her insides.

The way his beautiful skin stay taut, etched at a few places with birth marks which reminded her the beauty of old newspapers, made more beautiful by the coffee stains they carried. His body hit off the gleaming faint sunlight falling on it in a way that could entrance even the most celibate person in existence. The shoulders...fuck, the shoulders. God call me please or I'm going to hell. His shoulders sat broadly apart, highlighted my the shoulder blades just beneath. And his waist..no not the waist,no please no I'll faint, someone save me. His waist naturally cinched tiny as his body proportion flowed downwards. Her eyes hesitantly drifted off to his arm that was inked with beauty. Art laid on art. And now I'm wet.

If a standardized perfect body did ever exist, it was Jungkook's. No questions asked, no arguments given.

Her mind took in the presence of his muscles flexing with every movement he made and her breath hitched, catching the dark haired boy's attention. He was putting on a robe by the time.

"You don't wanna get killed, do you?" He sighed. Y/N stood blank, "I - I didn't..."

He snapped back, "People pay a ton and are desperate as fuck to see merely a few square inches of this body. The fuck you think you're doing bitch ?"

Did he really just...

This wasn't humour at it's worst, it was some serious degradation. Something switched inside her. Her insides that had been boiling with hormones a few moments back were now boiling with anger. No one ever dared disrespect Y/N in a serious manner. It was all fun and games until her head actually got knocked with anger. No one, in their right senses, would dare fiddle with her temper. It was the bitch that he let out of his arrogant mouth which got to her, and he had down right meant it.

Her lips tightened and eyes glared. The blush that had formed on her cheeks was now burning with one of the worst temper she got hit with. Her self respect rested above everything else. And she won't compromise it for no shit in this world.

Trying her best to calm herself down, she took in deep breaths and moved towards Jungkook until she stood at a fair distance from him. "Leave this room."

"What if I don't?", he said, still arrogant. The man had clearly not known her enough and didn't yet realize that he should be apologizing already.

Y/N moved past him, got hold of her sweatsuit and went in the closet. Fully dressed, she stepped out after a couple minutes and briskly moved to the rack where her shoes were kept. She slid those on, strapped her backpack and made her way towards the door.

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