30. You are making me do this

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Jungkook squinted his eyes as his deep slumber was being shuddered. His attention went to the girl in his arms. She lay there without any worries, all safely, all innocently. If there was one thing the man wanted to protect, it would be her comfort. She's still a kid...she should not have to go through so much.

His attention was snatched back to the source of disturbance that interfered with his sleep. Ugh. Furious bangs on the door erupted. Irritated that this would be room service, the boy gently lifted Y/N's upper body from his and comforted her in the cozy blankets. He then got up irritated and opened the door. Shit.

Two very familiar faces stared back at him, with a look of utter concern and worry on their faces. "Uh...Suga hyung, V? What brings you here?"
Jungkook said while rubbing the back of his neck in nervousness.
Taehyung almost lashed out at him, "Are you serious for fuck's sake? What brings us here!? No one's answering our endless calls...don't you have a shred of responsibility in that body of yours!? Wait....why...are you half naked..."
As realization dawned over, V pushed Jungkook aside and ran into the room.

Jungkook followed him.
Taehyung just stood there numb, in front of the bed, seeing the sheets beside the girl disheveled. He slowly turned to face Jungkook and bent down to pick something up from the ground.
The condoms.
The tension could be felt in the air as both men stared at each other intensely. The older man was clearly trying to control his burning rage as he spoke, "She is fucking underaged Jungkook." His fists were clenched enough to make crescent marks of his nails redden up on the soft flesh of his palms.
Almost as a reflex to how badly Taehyung was misunderstanding him, Jungkook grew equally angered if not more.

"Take your petty argument out of this room. She's still asleep." It was Yoongi to speak.
"But hyung-" within a few words, Taehyung was cut off by Yoongi, "Out I said." It was a firm statement by Suga with no scope of argument. And as they had gotten enraged, both the boys left the room just as quick.


"Yoongi? What's happening? Where's Jungkook?" a half asleep Y/N managed to say noticing the figure of Yoongi sitting at the edge of the bed.
Yoongi turned to face her, "Good morning to you too. And about Jungkook, well Taehyung and him are out fighting over how you two had a fuck."

"Wait...what the-" she was cut off by the man, "Fuck. That's right. They are fighting over that."
She threw the blanket aside and sat upright, "But we didn't. I'm a virgin. Fuck it, I haven't even kissed anyone. Ever."
He replied, "Oh...you were so out of popular demand?"
Y/N's eyes widened at such a brutal remark, "I'm offended. That was harsh."
Yoongles chuckled, "And that's on you not calling me oppa. I'm older than you." She gave him a 'are you even serious look' before speaking, "I don't know why but calling you all oppa seems weird. To hell with it I won't call Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung oppa. It'll be so awkward. Can I call you hyung instead?", she politely asked.
"No you can't. Work on it." He ruffled her already messed hair and started to get up. Just then, he stopped in his tracks and turned to her. His palm lifted to touch her forehead, then her neck. "Aish kid, you are burning with fever. Stay put down, I'll bring a paracetamol."

She told Yoongi about already having a paracetamol and gulped it down with the water that Yoongi brought for her while she was still sitting on the bed.
"By any chance, tell me you don't read fanfics about me." The man said with a disgusted face.
The girl choked on her own saliva and spurted, "WHAT-" The man in front simply raised his eyebrows to reinforce the already received question.

Awkwardly, she spoke, "I mean I have read some in the past...I don't really read fanfics about Jin oppa and Hobi oppa though. Jin oppa seems to me like the sweetest fluffball that I can hug all day and he just is like the best person ever so I didn't want to put him in any...lewd light.
And about Hobi oppa, I just can't bring myself to imagine him that way. No, just no. He's so cute and a whole ton of sunshine, reading him that way is somehow weird. I love them both all innocent and pure."

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