17. SK

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"It's for you to decide, Y/N", her father said as he sat down on the sofa beside her mother.

Y/N was propped up on a chair in front of them, "I know...but you know right it's not just about me wanting to decide over something, there's so many other things to be kept in mind. I can't just point my finger at what I want."

"What do you want?", her mother asked, frustrated of the discussion that had been going on and off for about two days.

Y/N nervously looked at her parents, "South Korea..."

"Um hm. What's the problem then? You've decided on it, it's your choice."

She looked at her father like he was out of his senses, "Papa...South Korea is fucking expensive...you sure you know what we talking about?"

"Language!" her mother remarked. She carelessly completed the sentence, "....is NOT a barrier. For the hundredth time now". Her mother sighed, tired of trying to stop her daughter from cursing, at least in front of them.

"Y/N, we're here to take care of the finances. Since when is my little heart competent enough to tell me it's expensive to the point that I can't invest in it", her father rhetorically asked.

"Here's the thing Papa, I might be a spoilt child but I ain't no dumbfuck. It'll make a huge dent in your pocket."

Her father chuckled, "Ah you've grown so much. All you need to know about is that we can bear just enough such dents. Don't think too much about it. Just tell me is South Korea your final decision?"

She lowly replied, "I dunno..."

Her father firmly asked, "Yes or no?"

She looked up at him, "Yes?"

"South Korea it is then!" her Mom exclaimed, relieved that she could finally go watch her sitcom in peace.

Y/N hugged her father, "Don't let her watch so much drama, Papa. She's even watching some series about psychopaths. I'm worried for you.", Y/N said, her expression solemn.

With the same expression, her father replied, "Likewise." Looking at each other, they both burst into laughter.

"You all know right I'm standing right here, right now and can hear what you are saying." Her father looked at her mother and said, "That doesn't change the fact that we're scared." Y/N stifled a laugh.

"Like father like daughter." her Mum said, "Both of you can help yourselves to food. Don't expect me to serve it." And off she went.

Her father served her the food, patted her head and left to his room.


Y/N layed on her bed with her phone in one hand and coffee in another. She talked with Kay while sipping on the beverage.

Y/N: Guess we're meeting soon

Kay: Are we now? I didn't know you fell in love so hard and fast ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Y/N: Shut it. You wish I did. The country is finally confirmed ╭∩╮(ಠ_ಠ)╭∩╮

Kay: SOUTH KOREA!?!?!?!?

Y/N: SOUTH KOREA!!!!!!!!!

Kay: Woahhh...so listen up, you gotta pack some real heavy winter clothing cuz you don't wanna catch a cold in winter, don't worry about the stationary on most part as we can get it here. Now onto your shoes, pack up only the ones that you really..like really love, you're obviously not carrying with you 92 books we've already discussed about it, you can carry a couple of your favourite ones though. Next up, try to bring less clothing, there's ample time and choices to shop here. Also, also...for the love of Satan, get yourself medically examined. You're gonna be here by yourself and we obviously don't want an unforeseen change of events, especially not regarding your health. Safety first, safety second, coolness third

Y/N: woah....last I checked, I had just one Dad....

Kay: wut? You're a kid...I'm just making sure the things go right...

Y/N: Aww Kay...you're just super adorable at times

Kay: I'm...wait...you called me ADORABLE?

Y/N: More like adorkable but yea

Kay: Oh

Y/N: See who seems more of a kid now *smirks*

Kay: are you sure about smirking? Cuz that's a turn on for me *smirks*

Y/N: *calls 911*

Kay: Nvm

Y/N: I would never mind~ I'mma head off to Jia's now though. Byeeeee

Kay: Yea bye dOrK


She's cute damn, Kay smiled as he put his phone down. His sleep schedule had become messed up enough because of the difference in the time zones between him and Y/N, it's worth it.

"You're sleeping, AGAIN!?" , the man said as he entered the room.

Squinting his eyes due to the sudden lights, Kay whined, "Hyung! Just let me!" He brought the blanket all over himself and got lost in it.

The older man neared the bed and sat on the edge, "You've not been concentrating on anything lately. Good that we are on a break or this kind of recklessness would've been a mess. Is there anything you wanna talk about?"

He just sighed from under the blanket, "No there isn't...lemme sleeeeeep" he whined like a child and refused coming out of the makeshift blanket tent.

The man got up to leave the room, "Yah...get your shit together".

Kay was super excited. He couldn't believe he had made it all work. It still scared him that this could be risky, but he was tired of how life had been treating him. It was just so wrong to him that he couldn't live like normal people, make normal friends...get to meet the person he longs to meet. Why couldn't he just be normal!

Not anymore, now I will live as I like!

Shoving these concerns aside, he was happy to have helped Y/N. She was cute, childish and just fun to talk to. He was really curious how she'd react if she knew what lied in the store for her. He had never really even seen her...but he just knew she was...just different, special. He didn't know what triggered his concerns for her, but he was happy enough to know she was happy....because of him.

Author's note: COULD Y'ALL NOT FORGET TO VOTE!?!? (if you like the chapter👉🏼👈🏼)
Also, I know this ones a shitty update but the next one is already written and it's definitely better.
Do y'all want me to post it right now or wait for Sunday?

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