51. Labyrinth

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Her head hung low, she couldn't bear to look at him, this wasn't how it was supposed to be. Even though her sense of sight wasn't on alert, her hearing was. While flinching her puffy eyes shut, she could sense Taehyung backing away on the bed, wiping his pale, tear stained cheeks with the sleeve of his shirt.

She didn't have any idea of how to go about this situation. Y/N was known for her intelligence, but it all vanished into thin air when it came to dealing with people. She usually depended on instincts which wasn't always the way but she never came around to understand the human behaviour.

Just as she sensed Taehyung starting to get up, it seemed like her body wasn't her own when she threw her arms around him on impulse. "Tae don't do this to me, please. Please."

"Hey..." he spoke softly despite crying on his own, his hand gently patted her hair. "Y/N, listen to me."

Knowing that the girl won't look at him no matter what, V continued, "I won't say it's okay because it damn well isn't, but I don't hold a grudge over you two being together. I can't make you want me and it's my problem to deal with, not yours. Don't guilt trip yourself baby."

His calming words made her sob all the more, knowing how she was unwantingly hurting a person she loves, who has nothing but good intentions towards her.

"Hey, c'mon don't be a kid." Taehyung chuckled, trying to stop Y/N from draining herself of crying, "The way I know you'll regret not being with me, I'm great in bed, better than what Jungkook could ever be." He said, making her laugh.

She hit his chest, "Stop! Now don't tell me your stage name is V because you have a prominent V line."

"How did you know!" Taehyung exclaimed, holding her even tighter while simultaneously holding back his tears.

She peeked up at him, "Maybe cause I saw you changing out of your shirt a week ago..."

His mouth hung open at her boldness, "Fucking pervert!" he smirked and continued, "I could teach you how to be practical though, in bed."

"Hey, Kim Taehyung! Stop or I would take you right here on my bed." Y/N snapped.

"Damn, you infidel! Keep your horny ass in check or your boyfriend would beat the shit out of me." V dramatically spoke.

She shrugged her shoulders, now looking at him with the same comfortable look that he cherished, "Can't help my raging hormones when a man who's hot as fuck as you has me in his arms, in my goddamn bed!" Y/N sarcastically smiled.

Just as Taehyung was about to answer, both their attention went to the boy standing at the door with his hands on his hips, a clear depiction of a mother who is done with her mistake of a child. He cleared his throat, "I think I need to leash you up or something. Bitch has been flirting with men left and right."

"That's kinky!" both Taehyung and Y/N spoke in unison, laughing amongst themselves.

Jungkook cleared his throat in an even more exaggerated way now, "Know what? Fuck you two! I'd rather go hang out with Hayeon."

"She's here?"

"Who's that?"

V and Y/N asked two different questions together. The three of them eyed each other in confusion. Y/N sat upright looking at both of them in question, a perfect metaphor for a tigress who's waiting for it's prey to make one wrong move, only to pounce at it and ravage it alive.

"She...uh...she's Noona's sister." V said, putting down each word carefully to save Jungkook from the unseen trouble that both the men sensed.

Y/N's eyes flicked over to Jungkook with a brow arched for further explanation. He rubbed the back of his neck, regretting to have mentioned the name.

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