Bonus Chapter - Don't settle for less

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Hi, that's Jungkook

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Hi, that's Jungkook. We've been together for more than a year now. Jungkook cut back on his schedule and flew back to me from the US for my college decisions. He bought me many varsity sweatshirts, each smelled of his cologne. After we make love, Jungkook wraps me in his arms and whispers to me about how he won't let go, he knows I fear abandonment. He makes me coffee, everyday. If he's away, he sends me Starbucks and a croissant to make up for his absence. He jokes sometimes that I like croissants better than him. I don't. Because unlike Jungkook, croissants don't stay awake listening to me go on and on about the book that made me cry yesterday. He doesn't read much, but he hears me talk indefinitely about the books I love and he makes sure to let me know that he loves me more than any of those 'quirky book boyfriends'. Jungkook brings me pebbles if he ever goes to a beach without me, and he has made me book marks with the pressed flowers he plucks when they remind me of him, in his words 'they were so pretty but I challenged them that my girl is prettier'. Jungkook lets me wear his clothes, he smiles the cutest when I do. He once joked that he buys clothes based more on what will look good on me than him. Then he said he was kidding, because whatever I wear makes even the ugliest clothing look better. He lets me do his eyeliner and sit on his lap, and while I try to keep my hand steady, he holds my hips steadier. Jungkook holds me tenderly when we kiss, he whispers his love into our kisses. Even when the kisses are not so tender, he makes sure to cuddle me after, saying that he needs it, but I know he does it more to make sure that I am just as comfortable. Jungkook sleeps after me. He likes seeing me drift into sleep, he says he would sacrifice a hundred nights of sleep just to see my sun-like eyes close in the moonlight. He is not a poet, but he words me like poems. He says it's because Jane Austen and Oscar Wilde saw the moon when they made art, and he sees the sun, he sees me. Jungkook makes me laugh, and when I catch him looking at me, a subtle blush creeps up his face. He tries to deny it, he says he's not all that obsessed. But when Jungkook is away, he sends me pictures of random things - cumulus clouds, symmetrical architecture, a blurry butterfly, a puddle of clear water on the road, and the flower he plucked for me - because these things remind him of me, I joke that everything does. Jungkook is always the first person to tell me that I am the smartest person he's met when I score good on a test, or when I tell him a random geography fact. He knows academic validation is my favourite and he swears that he's dating me not for my face or personality but for my sexy brain, that down the line, my brain will be preserved like Einstein's. I hit him because I don't like the look of brains, and he hugs me because he likes the sound of my heart against his chest. Whenever he picks up my facetime, he calls me 'hey love' the first thing, followed by infinite screenshots while he goes on about how 'fucking beautiful' I am. Jungkook lets me cry into his chest, he doesn't hate me for it. He doesn't hate that I am not always fun. He says he loves me despite those things, he loves me because of those things. One thing that Jungkook probably doesn't know is that he loves me the most a person could love another, and yet, I know I love him more.

So don't settle for less, wait for your Jungkook <3

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