31. Apartment!

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Throughout the car ride, Taehyung's eyes often rested on Y/N who time and again kept her hands on the base of the open window and peeked out like a child.
When they were about to reach the apartment complex, he asked out of concern, “Um….Y/N?” Still looking out, she hummed, “Hm?”

His hand slowly lifted up from the gear shift to her hand. The girl jolted and faced him.
“Oh I didn’t mean to scare you. You were seeming too far off dreaming. Anyways, how’s your elbow now? Does it hurt?”
Her expression turned polite, “Nah…not as much at least. Jungkook dressed the wound well.”
Taehyung's jaw clenched, “Yeah right. Okay come on in, we’re here.”

The apartment complex was beautiful. A typical high end Korean residence. Both of them took the lift and reached up to the eight floor of the building which also happened to be the last. They reached the end of the hall way where a beautifully carved dark wooden door stood ajar.
Gesturing for the young lady to enter first, Taehyung said, “ Mademoiselle.” His face adorned with his smile.
Y/N smiled as well and moved ahead, “Appreciate the gesture but mademoiselle is a debatable addressal, sir.”

Taehyung followed her into the flat, “Ah let’s not get into the debates.”
Just as he was about to further his steps, the girl turned back to move out. Confused, he asked, “What?”
Y/N rolled her eyes and said, “Good prank Tae, but now let’s really get to my flat.”
The boy replied, “But this IS your flat.” She stopped and searched through her bag and retrieved some documents.

“AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!” Y/N screamed and the poor boy was scared and shocked to bits.
He yelled keeping a hand to calm his chest, “Gosh what!?”
The girl jumped back into the house and screamed even more, “THIS REALLY IS MY HOUSE!!! MY, YOU KNOW, MY. AHHHHHHH!”
The boy was taken aback. She’s crazy. “First off, STOP SCREAMING. Secondly, WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING?” He himself screeched parts of his question.

“You kidding me!? This is my place now? Like really? What do you expect me to do!? It’s so beautiful, I’mma cry!” she momentarily stopped and appeared to be thinking, “No..wait…I’m not gonna ugly cry in front of THE KIM TAEHYUNG. So close your eyes!”
Taehyung breathed in relief at the assurance that at least she wasn’t possessed by some spirit.
He then spoke, “Y/N no fangirling please.” Before speaking further, he smirked and her breath hitched, “And if you want me to close my eyes, then blindfold me?”

“Seriously, are you three the literal same!? Jimin and Jungkook go around giving innuendos like good mornings. Anyways, lemme check out MY apartment, huh.” She dramatically ended the last part of her sentence.
As she move further in, Taehyung remained standing there and spoke to no one in particular, “Okay, but why did she just give ME that sass?” Shaking his head, he followed her inside. She is no less than a whole drama company gosh. He smiled to himself.

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