55. Falling hard

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"I am still falling, if you're wondering. Too deep in to swim back up, but still falling." He said, with her head still on his heart, listening to the rhythm of the precious place he treasured her in, as the poets would say.

"Falling hard?", Y/N asked.

"Very hard."


"I just don't get it. I was supposed to head the debating team but this fucker, he's really good at his job but he knows I'm fucking better. I don't understand the need for petty politics for a debating club..." Y/N went on and on, ranting until she had to stop and take a deep breath once in a while. She multitasked with talking with Jungkook on the speakerphone while arranging her bookshelf.

"Are you even listening?" she asked, frustrated.

The voice came from the phone, "Of course I'm listening baby, it's just that you took a leave to actually study for exams. Talking with me since morning through the afternoon doesn't account for much studying."

"Do you want to hang up the phone or something? Take a break from talking to me?"

"I want to be with you and listen to you talk all day, my cute pretty dumbfuck." He laughed but meant every word of what he said he wanted.

Just as Y/N was about to reply, the doorbell rang. "Hold for a minute, there's someone at the door."

When she came back to her phone, she was practically screaming, "Jungkook, you just- who's teaching you to do all this stuff? I cannot, you're the best."

She had received a package with a tumbler filled with coffee specific to her that only Jungkook knew the recipe for and a bouquet of blue orchids with a note tied to it that said : 'I wish I were there to make you coffee and see you sip on it and then crunch on that ice as you scrunched your nose. But until I'm not, drink that shit and fucking study :P'

"Hearing praise from you is so rare, I always need to double check it." His voice echoed from the phone.


"Hm?" he softly responded.

"Still falling."

"Falling hard?"

"Very hard." Her smile could be heard through her voice, "let me just add a few ice cubes to my coffee and I'll FaceTime."

She did as she said and Jungkook laughed at the way her face twisted and her nose scrunched for a brief moment as she bit into the ice cubes.

"You look so damn cute everytime this happens, I should've recorded it." He said.

"So you do have an incentive to make me coffee everyday, huh. You don't do it for nothing." She dramatically side eyed him.

"Ma'am, I'm just at your service, benefiting from it a little won't do anyone any harm. Which brings me to, fucking study because if you don't, that shit would cause you harm. And I will actually hang up on you if you scream at me about how you could've scored just a tiny bit more to outperform that debate team guy and beat his ass." He lectured.

Y/N pouted, "Actually, you're right. And I cannot believe I'm asking this of you, my past self would have died of cringe if she knew this was to come, but could you tell me that you're proud of me and you're here for me? A head pat would've made it so much better but this will do for now."

"I can't believe I'm doing this either, but come closer to the screen." He asked of her. She did as told and Jungkook sort of patted his own camera to create the illusion of a head pat and blew her a kiss, "I genuinely am so so so proud of you, baby. You're the most amazing person I know in every sense. You're the smartest and prettiest and I'm just so glad to be able to say that I'm yours. And now you've gotten me all emo." He chuckled at the end.

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