64. The Unravelling

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The room was dead silent. There were uncountable missed calls flashing on the screen of her phone. The recently connected landline phone rung.

"Hello?" Y/N answered.

"The news is out. Everywhere."

She nodded to herself. "Right. So when is my first conference."

"An hour from now. Prepare yourself." The voice paused. "Best of luck Y/N, you got this."

Her expression softened, "Thanks D, you've been the greatest help ever. I owe you one. Take care."


She walked into the HYBE building as eyes stared down at her.

'The youngest employee of HYBE, a victim?'

'A recent feminist icon is also a survivor?'

'Son Seo Hyuk under the radar, no statements so far.'

'Son Myung Ju to opt out of the election.'

"Good morning", Y/N said smiling at the security guard as she waited for him to open the door.

He smiled back, "Good morning." The only English phrase he knew the best. He raised his thumb to cheer her on as she entered the room.

The hall was jam-packed, cameras flashing everywhere and hands scribbling away on notepads. A pin drop silence emerged as soon as she entered.

Greeting the media persons, the girl sat down for her first press conference that day.

Unflinchingly, she turned down most of the questions with a polite "no comment", these answers would be out as the day unfolded. Son Myung Ju won't fail to try and ruin her. She was kicked out of the Presidential race after all.

"Ma'am, would you consider talking with Mrs Son to perhaps come to a mediation?"

"I do not think that there's any reason for any kind of mediation. Mrs Son will face the due process of law, as will her son. I do not see the need for my interference." She calmly responded. Some of the answers were hardwired by then.

By the evening, Jungkook's character came into play. Son had done as anticipated. She leaked Jungkook's information about the fentanyl.

Y/N sat for yet another press conference when the room erupted into a murmur and faces of shock. She knew then that the news had leaked and braced herself.

A news reporter raised her hand, everyone had the same question. "Hello, there has been recent news that says that you were drugged. And that the sources can be traced back to Mr Jeon Jungkook, the member of BTS."

"Very well. May I ask you about the other connections? How did the tracing work?"

The reporter cleared her throat, "Well, Jungkook studied at the same high school as Son Seo Hyuk."

She nodded, "Going by that hypothesis, at least the remaining 50 classmates can be called the perpetrators too, no? Why only Mr Jeon Jungkook?" she waited to gauge the response and continued, "Jeon Jungkook is my close friend and valuable colleague. And I assure you that neither did he nor I, knew one another before we started working together. I refrain from being political but don't you think this looks like a cheap act to sabotage me and my friends and colleagues and company? Is this the scrutiny a survivor who has chosen to speak up gets?"

The room fell silent. Everyone stared at her in awe. No one even cared about taking notes. The first news nods of agreement were from the women journalists and the others soon joined in.

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