12. 92 books

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Kay: C'mon you can't pack all of your novels to take along! You have like 100s of them

Y/N: I fucking wish I did! I'll not say this again,I have 92 books to be precise. Also, why can't I take my novels!!!!! What are these stupid aviation rules about carrying just a limited weight ughhhh

Kay: Y/N those are just frickin' books! I'll go crazy at this point ughhh

Y/N and Kay had been bickering for about an hour over how Y/N wanted to pack all her books up so she could take it with her to the global school.

Y/N told him how her parents had simply declined and since then, she had been throwing a tantrum like a spoilt kid. She had messaged Kay hoping him to side with her but apparently, he just won't. Even he thinks she's being too dramatic about having an emotional connection with her books.

Y/N: YOU ARE CRAZY ALREADY!!! Why can't y'all just let me be!? I really do have an emotional bond with all the books I read. You philistines just can't understand!

Kay: Y/N...sweetie...you've been saying the same thing for about an hour after every sentence you make. Now please stop? Or I'll either have to kill you or myself cuz YOU'RE DAMNED STUPID AND YOU'RE DRIVING ME TO THE EDGE OF EXPLODING MY MF BRAIN!

Y/N fell silent at that. And tried to message as minimal as possibly.

Y/N: oh

Kay: What now!? You can't be mad at your parents and myself just cuz we're speaking logic wtf

Y/N You know what Kay! Damn y'all! I'mma cry...y'all could never understand emotions you victims of human insensitivity! Just nevermind, leave me alone... lonely, all by myself, where I got no one, I am vulnerable and lonely and sad and unloved. I don't need y'all! Bye!

She threw her phone to the side and tried to come up with any good idea about smuggling her books to whatever country she would be admitted to. Her phone beeped. It beeped again. And again, it just couldn't stop beeping. Stupid child of fucking technology! She internally cursed at the phone. She switched opened the device.

Kay: Ykr you're being the most dramatic drama queen this world got but totally doesn't deserve

Kay: Ahh you can't really be angry nowww

Kay: Y/N!!!!!!!

Kay: c'mon

Kay: Wait no shit! You can't be crying for real

Kay: No no no no don't be a cry baby no

Kay: You aren't really crying...are you?

Kay: Y/N!!!! Listen to me or I'mma kidnap you and make you talk to me👁️👁️

As Y/N read his texts, she giggled. He was being cute. Or maybe she was nuts. But she still chose to ignore the messages, leaving them on read.

Kay: fine just tell me you aren't crying

Kay: okay you can bring maybe a couple books

Kay: now I can't illegally smuggle the books duh


Y/N: Hold up! You can't really break your promise!

Kay: Oh dear Y/N, promises? They are meant to be broken.💕

Y/N: When are we!? In the 1900s!? I have screenshots of your promise so STFU

Kay: So you ain't crying

Y/N: What if I am?

Kay: I ain't there to lend my shoulder for you to cry on then. And so...I'd feel bad


Y/N: um aight I ain't crying...but my boookkkssss?!?

Kay: Y/N?

Y/N: Yea

Kay: Try being logical for once and I'll treat you to any resturant you want when we meet...if we do

Y/N weighed her options. Though she had desperately wanted to carry her books along, she somewhat knew it wasn't possible. But she didn't wanna have any regrets so tried her best regardless.

Y/N: Promise?

Kay: Promise!

Y/N: Honestly, you could've just offered me food and I would've agreed to anything you would say :P

Kay: Anything? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Y/N: Kay

Kay: Yes?

Y/N: I'm a minor🚶🏻‍♀️

Kay: .......

Y/N: now I'mma head out.
Also, the country confirmation would come tomorrow

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