37. It happened

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The members of BTS except for Jimin, along with Y/N and her panel were seated in the meeting room. It had been five minutes already, but no one spoke a word.
The door opened and three people marched in, Mr Bang, Mrs Park and Mr Seok. Y/N and her panel were sitting on chairs around the long table while the members sat on the couch in the corner.
The three people walked in and took their seats opposite to the girl.

"Y/N, you do understand that this was a highly risky move, right?" Mrs Park started, clearly uncomfortable. "I do, ma'am." She replied bluntly.

"We understand how Mr Choi was disrespectful but-" the CEO of the company itself was cut off by the girl, "Mr Bang, I request you to please not justify what Mr Choi said and please, do not question my conduct. I clearly spoke what he was intending. With all due respect, I cannot work in a sexist environment, sir."
Her tone indicated how this was her final verdict that should not be questioned.

In any other scenario, an employee would probably have been kicked out for standing up to their employer, so sternly at that. But it played out differently for the girl.
Mr Bang fashioned an expression of amusement and Mr Seok spoke, "We aren't here to question your professionalism Miss Y/N. What you said, could definitely have been framed in a different way, but the essence was apt."

"I would like a vote regardless. Those who believe that Miss Y/N's conduct was correct, please raise your hand." Bang Si Hyuk said.

With the exception of Mrs Park and Mr Seok, everyone present there raised their hands, including Mr Bang.
Smiling, he said, "I guess the case is settled then. Sorry for Mr Choi, Y/N. You handled it quite well. Of course with the exception of using, well, an unconventional word. But I believe the audience is mature enough to understand. Thank you for your brilliance tonight. We may leave."

She shook hands with the three seniors, and waited for them to leave along with her colleagues. She then plopped down on the couch beside Hoseok.

"Don't fret over it, the conference was alright." Namjoon comforted the girl with his ever so warm smile, "What Mr Choi said was just not acceptable. Your come back serves him right."

Handing her a chocolate, Hobi beamed at her, "You were amazing out there. Not gonna lie, I was scared at first, but then your answer shook us all. We were surprised but we're proud of you."

Y/N hugged him tight, "Ah Hobi hyungie! Today was so hectic."

She felt someone ruffling her hair. Suga smiled at her, "Ah don't be a baby. It's time now. Almost midnight. Go home. Jungkook would drop you. Oh and don't be sad about the buddy ball. We can go to an amusement park some day to make up for it."

"Jungkook has literally become my personal chauffeur. But alright. Tangerine dreams, oppa!" she said to him, standing up.

The girl hugged Jin before leaving.
Y/N and Jungkook walked to the car. Once in, she exclaimed, "Oh shit! I had to talk to Papa about this ugh. How could I forget." Saying this, she made a phonecall as the car started moving.


Y/N was upset. The conversation with her Dad didn't go well.
Apparently, he was not completely informed of what all was included in the internship, and he definitely didn't know about the spokesperson thing. He lectured her about how this was such a risky move. Given that the media attention was already diverted to her.
He was right.

"Fuck it! I'm so fucking done!", She burst out right after ending the call. "I deal with that asshole journalist, I endure the sexist remarks, I miss the buddy ball, I lead the fucking panel and I'm the bad guy here. FUCK IT! Shitty day, shitty life!" she punched the window glass.

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