11. Perfumé

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Y/N screamed her lungs out, "Mom!!!! For the last time now, where the hell are my shoes? I have been asking you since morning!" Her Mom yelled back, "Look out for them, they must be there somewhere!" Y/N screamed back in reply, " And that's what you've been telling me since morning!"

Her mother then stomped in, clearly frustrated of how dumb her daughter is. She walked over to her bed, looked underneath and slided out a pair of blush and grey Nike shoes.

Her Mom gave her a 'you have buttons for eyeballs look' to which Y/N awkwardly laughed and went to her bed, sitting down.

She innocently looked into her mother's eyes, making the best puppy face she could pull off and pleaded, "Pleaseee".

Her Mom's face retorted, "Y/N you're 17! How could you not know how to wear socks!"

Y/N gave a pleading look to her again. Her Mom kneeled down rolling socks onto Y/N's foot, "What would you even do at that school all by your own! I just hope that school doesn't burn themselves down because of you."

Y/N laughed, "Okay I'm not THAT problematic. And I just can't wear them socks. You know that. You've been putting those up for me since forever."

Her Mom softened, " Now I won't...can't."

Y/N whined, " Mumma no mellow drama! You've been watching too many emotional sitcoms lately!"

Her mother went out of the room after petting her head. Y/N managed to wear the shoes after struggling with tying the laces.

She shuffled down the stairs and into the living room. "So I'm leaving now. Jia is here!" She stormed out of the house to meet her friend who was already sitting in a cab.

Y/N eased herself into the cab as well, "What's the first place we going?" Jia faced towards Y/N with a confused look and said, "I ain't really sure. Let's get to the mall first, then we'd decide."

"You busy on your phone again?" Jia asked, irritated. Y/N gave her an apologizing look, "Ah it's Kay..." Jia sighed, "Seriously Y/N!? What you talking about now?" Y/N told her how she had been telling Kay that they were on their trip to the mall. Y/N's parents had allowed her to go on the pretext that she got into the global school. This trip was kind of a reward for her.

They reached the mall, paid for the cab and started walking towards the entrance. Y/N asked again, "Now where we going?" Jia just looked at her with a questioning look, "H&M, Zara?" Y/N replied, "yeah k let's go."

Y/N and Jia were walking towards the showroom when Jia abruptly stopped. Y/N looked back to Jia facing to her right and asked, "What?"

Jia slowly faced towards Y/N, "Can we just go check it out? Please?"

Y/N now looked towards the right and back to Jia, laughing, she said, "Tell me you're kidding me! Like Chanel!? Seriously Jia!? We won't even be allowed to enter."

Jia spoke up in a low voice, "Bruh please. We'll just go inside and come out. Please?"

Y/N tried to resist but finally gave in, "Fine. Let's embarrass ourselves!"

Jia raced towards the Chanel store followed by Y/N. While Jia went through the store looking at stuffs that they sure as fuck couldn't afford, Y/N sat in a corner where the perfumes were lined up. On entering the store, she had prepared herself for the embarrassment, but surprisingly, the staff gave them a warm look knowing that they were just teens who wanted to see the store.

While sitting in the corner, Y/N eyed the perfumes. She got up and moved towards the shelf display. The glass bottles were just beautiful and she stood there admiring them, taking in the scent that the closed bottles could offer.

Jia came around the store to Y/N, "You like 'em?" Y/N snapped back from the admiration, "Oh...yeah kinda. I mean the perfumes are so beautiful, not to mention this is probably the best scent I've smelt."

Jia nodded and said, "Yea, by the way, I'mma just go check the bags section out and then we'll leave. You waiting here till then?"

Y/N nodded and went back to the seat while looking at herself in the mirror placed just opposite to her. She really liked her outfit, a breezy white cotton top with the front tucked in the blue baggy jeans. She wore her favourite grey Nike shoes and a hairband keeping her fringes to the side and a digital watch on her left hand.

A little while later she drew her phone from the jeans pocket and sure enough, Kay had texted.

Kay: Where you at now?

Y/N: I'm at a Chanel store where I wasn't really supposed to be~

Kay: wHy

Y/N: Jia just pulled me into the store knowing full well that we won't buy shit. I didn't expect much out of this store honestly, but bruh...they have these perfumes here which are damn beautiful. Like A LOT

Kay: so...buy it?

Y/N: Sir, when I say we're well to do, I mean we don't sleep on the streets, not that we own half of this country. Those perfumes are worth more than my existence lol...4,200 $ something

Kay: you don't really need to own half the country for buying that stupid perfume duh

Y/N: c'mon it ain't "stupid" . I don't really want anything so bad generally, but I dunno why I really really want this perfume.

Kay: like you really really want it?

Y/N: Duh? I REALLY REALLY want it. But that's the thing, I want it, I don't need it. So yea, leave it 🙅🏻‍♀️

Kay: Ugh kid! just gimme your Google pay ID

Y/N: Kay you mad or sum?

Kay: What!? You really want that perfume right?

Y/N: So? I won't want you to sell your fucking kidney for it!

Kay: But I won't have to🤸🏻‍♂️

Y/N: okay now no shit. Even if your kidney comes worth 4 grand which I sincerely doubt, I won't ever take the money duh. We don't even know each other well and even if I did, I won't take no money from you cuz of my stupid want

Kay: But you said it ain't stupid! Also, it ain't money, a gift maybe?

Y/N: Gift for?

Kay: Robbing me off my sleep!?

Y/N: You mad. I'mma go now, Jia is here.

Y/N put her phone back into her pocket and went to the Zara store with Jia, shoving off of her mind of what Kay had said.

The guy is high.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, Kay realized how so dumb he was being.

He re-read the text Y/N had sent and it made sense. He can't, he shouldn't be so stupid to offer to pay for her. What the hell was wrong with him! Knowing that this was the utmost idiotic idea, he lightly smacked his head, clenched his eyes shut and put his phone down, somewhat frustrated of himself.

Author's note: Hey y'all bishes!!!!🥺
Finally, let's raise our middle fingers to 2020 and hope that 20 fucking 21 isn't competitive much and doesn't screw us bad. Anyways, here's an (early) update on the first day of the new decade! Y'all be the badass bishes you are! I root for ya! Keep slaying!!!✨

Editing me: lmao what do we know, 2021 is just as fucked up if not more 🤡

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