60. Scarred

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"Y/N, what has happened? What was it about the media houses?" Jungkook asked as she stood in front of him, hugging him tightly as she shivered.

She looked down at him with her eyes full of tears, "I made a mistake. A very big mistake." She cried uncontrollably, "Can you call everyone here? All the members, Hana noona? I will be down in a bit, let me talk to some people, this needs to be dealt with soon or else we'll lose everything." She spoke frantically.

The boy still looked at her without faze, "Y/N" he said, his eyes pleading, "I do not know what's going on. It is probably something horrible, but I just heard you narrate the most horrible thing ever. Are you okay? Can I please just...hug you for a moment?"

She nodded and gave in. Lifting the side of her sweatshirt, the girl also pulled up the side of her bra, letting him see the scar tissue.

His hands covered his mouth in shock, it was brutal. The scar was ghastly and he hated that it was her body that it was on. He gently ran his fingers across it, whispering, "I am so sorry. I am so terribly sorry."

She hugged him, "You had no way of knowing. It's okay...it's okay" she murmured.

Kissing the top of his head, the girl asked him to collect everyone at her apartment.


With everyone seated anxiously in the drawing-room, Y/N was scared. Regardless, she did her best to put that emotion in the back corner and bring on her strong façade. "Hey everyone. I am sorry about...everything. I know it must be worrying to be called her in the middle of the night but something terrible happened. And while it will be shocking to hear, please try not to freak out. It will not do us any good."

She again narrated the story that she had told to Jungkook. Many emotions surpassed the room. There were gasps, cries and a lot more. Hana sat in silence, clutching her fist in anger as she heard about the crime again.

"Now", Y/N continued, "to the present, and the problem. You know how I am a brand now, because of the conference and today's forum and being a songwriter for the company and everything? It was planned. Some things that happened, like Jimin posting a picture with me in the background and others, flared the issue up even more. My relevance as a personality is mad right now. Everyone from ARMY to the general K-pop fandom to feminists to old men on television is talking about me, my conduct, my talent, everything. And with this, I also have credibility. People will be with me. Knowing this, a friend of mine, D, and I planned everything. His sister volunteered as a witness. Hana noona volunteered to tell her own story about the Son Myung Ju's elder son. And the government and the company do not have an option but to protect me and launch an investigation against Son. She will have to withdraw from the elections, which is what the currently ruling party wants. Everything should have to work in my favour. I have pushed the first domino, the others are supposed to fall rhythmically. But, something very unexpected came along."

"What?" Suga prompted.

"Son Seo Hyuk was Jungkook's classmate" many of the members' eyes widened as they recalled the information, "and the fentanyl that was used on me...it can be traced back to Jungkook. That son of a bitch bluffed Jungkook. And yeah, Jungkook did do something stupid, but I don't see the point in blaming him. He tried to help a friend, he could never have guessed. But now...it's a problem. The Sons will use this as leverage against us, they will try turning the tables."

"For fuck's sake", Namjoon whispered, her head falling into his hands. "What are we going to do?"

Y/N struck, "What am I going to do. Y'all are not doing anything, stay away from this shit. They will use you all against me."

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