3. Nevermind

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8th November

Exactly a year ago, right here

Y/N smiled to herself, her cheeks covered with dried tears which she had shed just moments ago. She was sitting atop the rooftop water tank with her knees close to her chest, her phone in one hand and the other hand wrapped around her knees. She looked up, at the stars. Her teary eyes twinkled just as the stars did, the reflection showing well.

New notification.... Kay, she smiled again. The pain was evident, as much as the smile was genuine.

She looked like wrecked art showered in moonlight, crying one moment...smiling the other.

Trying to resist herself since about a year for she thought it sounded weak, she couldn't keep up with it anymore and asked into nothingness,

"How could anyone do that? How cruel does one have to be!?"

She looked up again, at HER stars...they had been there a year ago, they were there now, they were there all the times she let herself get vulnerable. The stars never complained, they were there with her, always.

Though she had wanted to take her mind off of her feelings and talk to Kay to divert her mind, her eyes were filled with tears making it impossible for her too see anything.

She got hold of the hood of her sweatshirt and roughly wiped her tears off, a little too roughly because of which she got even more tears forming...she laughed it off, stifling her laugh so that no one else got to know she was at the terrace, all alone at midnight.

Kay: Oii kiddo!

Kay: Listen uppppp

Kay: You there!?

Kay: I'm quitting on people :')


This man's high af.

Y/N: Alive! What's it?

Kay: Watchu doing

Y/N: Nothing duh

Kay: Um...really!?

Y/N: Yea..

Kay: K now spill it..what happened


Y/N: Wut!? Nothing happened

Kay: You're bad at lying. Now tell me what's it?

He's stalking me or what!?

Y/N: You spying on me or sum!?!?!?

Kay: You could've said stalking okay.. I won't have been hUrT

Y/N: So now you reading minds!?

Kay: I ain't. You're pissed at something and it shows in your texts. Also, anyone could've figured that you had meant stalking duh!

 Also, anyone could've figured that you had meant stalking duh!

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