22. Angel / Devil

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Just as Y/N was about to attack her beautiful chocolate truffle pastry, she was interrupted.

Two guys, clad in full black, both wearing masks and shades and one of them wearing a cap walked upto her. The two of them quickly took their seats across Y/N's table, facing her. They simultaneously removed their shades and kept them on the table.

The guy on the right gave her an eye smile, pulled his mask down and dug into her pastry.

She just sat there shaken out of her wits. The same guy then looked upto her, flirt dripping down his eyes. Face of an angel, charm of the devil.
He smiled, still keeping his eyes flirty and knowing full well what he was doing to the girl, "Hey Y/N. So we finally meet eh! Myself Kay...or as ya might better know me, Park Jimin"

She just sat there. Numb. Knocked out of wits. This obviously wasn't real. This couldn't be. Kay is Jimin?

She simply brought her right hand to her left bicep, and gave it a tight pinch, causing the skin to break. "Motherfucking son of a bitch!", Y/N screamed at how painfully she hurt herself. She tried smacking her head. What the fuck!? Why ain't I waking up!?

Jimin, Park fucking Jimin, just sat there laughing at Y/N's actions. Through his laughs, he managed to speak, "Aye! Don't hurt yourself!"

He bent forward in an attempt to inspect how badly she hurt her arm but Y/N jerked back. "Who the fuck are you doppelganger!?" Jimin paid no heed but just laughed and let out, "What? A doppel what? Those exist?"

"Am I dreaming or am I mentally gone?", she asked in all seriousness. Jimin just cut off a part of the pastry with a spoon and fed it to Y/N whose mouth was already dropped open.

He finally answered, "Shh. Neither. I really am Jimin and this" , he pulled the other guy's mask down, "is Jeon Jungkook."

Y/N was sure as fuck ready to bang her head on the floor. "Excuse my French but what kind of a fucking sick joke is this!?", she stared at the black haired man who looked exactly like Jungkook.

He spoke up, "You're wearing lavender sweat suit, white sneakers and have a blue Adidas backpack? You're attending the global school here in Seoul? Your flight arrived here more than an hour ago? You said fuck off when asked for nudes? Your name is Y/N? Fuck it, do you remember anything at all!" Jungkook spoke, sort of frustrated. Jimin slightly glared at him.

"Alright Y/N. We get that you're obviously shocked to see us here but you've actually been talking to me all this time. I ain't just Jimin, I'm your Kay alright. The same guy whom you cursed a ton without giving a second thought. You're my kiddo.
Well... we can't really stay here for too long. Mind if we all leave now?"

Y/N looked at Jimin in daze, "Yea sure. I'm waiting to get awaken by my Mum complaining about how useless my existence is. It's alright. I'mma just wake up in some time. We can go wherever till the dream lasts."

Jungkook rolled his eyes and mumbled, "Huh the drama."

"The fuck is your problem again? Even if it's a dream, no one, not even this shitty twin of Jeon Jungkook can talk to me like that. Get it back up your ass cause that is some shit you're tryna spew"

Jungkook just glared at Y/N while Jimin couldn't control laughing hysterically. "Damn Y/N.... you're really good!"
She simply replied, "I know."

Y/N couldn't make head or tail or what was going on. She just happened to leave the airport with some supposed Jimin and supposed Jungkook in a black BMW driven by the latter.

Soon, they reached a hotel and Y/N just gaped at the enormity of it. "The fuck is this place?"

Jimin answered, "Grand Hyatt Seoul. Sorry for the inconvenience, Y/N, but you gotta stay here for like a few days. Is that fine?" Y/N looked at the supposed Park Jimin, "iNcOnVeNiEnCe? Who that? This place is legit fucking heaven what the hell. But...my campus check in?" This time it was Jungkook who answered, "We'll take care of it. You just go kill time, like you most likely always do." Y/N snapped, "Don't make me repeat myself you doppelganger. Have your dump up ya ass. Thanks."

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