49. Confessions

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Y/N put on a little lip tint on her lips and even put some of it on her cheeks to add some blush, well, in case Jungkook decided to not fluster her every possible moment making her face naturally turn pink.

Ensuring that her hair was dry enough, she clutched them back a little messily, but it looked good nonetheless. She didn’t feel the need to change out of her just decent sweatshirt and plain black, skater skirt. One thing Y/N did take special care of was to properly conceal the purplish hickies all over her neck, putting three layers of her best coverage concealer.

On inspecting that she looked just alright, she stepped out of her room to find Jungkook taking the groceries out of the paper bags.


As soon as his sight landed on Y/N, his breath was taken away. She looked so pretty with the very light shades of pink playing over her face, her dark hair messily falling to the sides and…just her, just his Y/N who would always be the prettiest person to him no matter how she dressed up, put on makeup or didn’t, however she did her hair. Jungkook knew that this girl, standing right across him, would make him run out of breath and make his heart pound at an unhealthy rate everytime he saw her, regardless of anything.

“I want to go with some spaghetti pasta, cream and onion baguette and ice cream for dessert. I know for a fact that I can’t exactly go wrong with the pasta. Anyway, I also want to make kimchi fried rice, it doesn’t exactly fit in the menu but I have to have something everyone likes.” She spoke while tying on an apron.

Jungkook couldn’t help but stare at her shamelessly. Just the way her lips curled just right when she spoke, how she would almost always catch her bottom lip in between her teeth when she concentrated on something, the tiny dimple that formed right below the corner of her lip when she smiled. Ugh, this woman really was driving him crazy.

“What? Something’s wrong?” Y/N questioned noticing Jungkook.

“No. You just look very pretty when you talk. I like seeing you talk.” He blurted out and moved to sit on a barstool across Y/N who was standing on the other side of the counter. Jungkook rested his chin on his palm and continued admiring her.

Y/N was flustered, well obviously. She threw a box of spaghetti at his chest and spat, “You damn well not be imagining me in a maid costume because of this stupid apron. Cook the pasta!” She decided to get the apron off, not wanting the fetish filled thoughts clouding her mind.

Jungkook stared at her in awe and let out a chuckle while amusedly shaking his head, “Woah, pervert. Calm down, it’s still early in the day for you to be this horny. I genuinely didn’t think that way. I mean I won’t mind though.” He smirked.

“Of course you won’t.” Y/N muttered as she opened a jar of kimchi and then cream cheese.

“Honestly though, I was just…watching you. I usually do whenever I can, I always did. You just didn’t notice all those times.” He smiled.

It was almost impossible for Y/N to hold back from blushing but 'A' for effort. She tried her best to look unaffected, “Are we really going to have this session of confessing weird stuff.” She said trying to keep herself occupied with cooking preparations, making Jungkook chuckle again.

He found her too cute to be true as she looked at him from the corner of her eye, while pretending to be working. “Aww, cute. And now that you’ve proposed this dumb idea of confessions, let me start.” He said and nodded to his own self as a blush crept up on his cheeks, “Why did I even…ugh, nevermind. So..

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