58. Forum

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Yoongi came around the table and placed the lychees he had been peeling in front of her. "Here, kid, eat up."

Her head was still buried in a heap of files with complex terms and whacky graphs.

"Y/N", Jin called out. She looked at him as if she had been taken aback by the presence of people around her. When he had her attention, he pressed on, "eat. You've been going over those files since forever now. You'll do great."

She nodded weakly and took the bowl of fruit.

It was finally the day of the economic forum. This would decide a lot of what would happen to her future. It had been a risk for her to get the wheels rolling without getting the approval of the company but she was confident. That is until the D-Day, because now, she was silently freaking out.

"You're scaring me by being so quiet. Literally just talk your usual non sense." Jimin remarked, entering the room along with Taehyung.

Y/N weakly nodded again, still as quiet.

Namjoon and Hoseok soon came into the room, assuring her that she'd do great. Jungkook still wasn't there. His schedule conflicted with hers and it was not easily possible for him to meet her before the meet.

Nodding to herself, the girl got up picking along some files. She flashed a weak smile at everyone, "It's time."

The rest of the group couldn't accompany her to the meeting, they were soon to be present at the board meeting after getting ready.


She entered the conference room which was more than half filled by then. Her smile or nod at acknowledging the people in the meeting wasn't weak anymore. She had transformed into her confident bad bitch attitude before entering the room full of old men who respected her only because they didn't have another option.

She walked over to sit at her table and couldn't help smiling goofily when she saw her coffee tumbler on her table. She couldn't ask for someone more precious than him.

The meeting was about to start, she took place in her seat as the rest of the room shuffled in the back. Hers would be the last presentation of the forum. Not just because that was necessary to keep intact the frail egos of rich men, but also because she knew that the session would have to be extended for her presentation and the ending was the perfect time for that.

Just as the facilitator stood at the podium to ask for everyone's attention, everyone's head turned towards the door from where Jungkook had barged in.

With all the faces as confused as ever, Jungkook seemed to be looking only for one. As his searching eyes landed on Y/N, he jogged over to her.

Before anyone could say anything, he pulled her by her hand and took her outside.

The girl was simply too stunned to speak. His hair was damp from sweat and he was in his usual oversized clothes.

Breathing hard, he took her face in his hands and kissed her long and deep.

"You are going to drag them so hard today. I'm so proud of you, everyday. But I'm extra proud today seeing you be the youngest in that mad net worth room. I'm so proud of you for being the girl that you are. And I'm grateful for that."

He leaned in to kiss her again. "And I love you."

Her face broke into a smile, "I fucking love you, Jeon Jungkook."


"So, how was it?"

Everyone had been waiting for Y/N to return as they sat suited on the couch, ready for the board meeting which was to start in half an hour.

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