63. Girl turned 18

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It was her birthday in two hours. And two hours until the final stage of her plan unravelled.

“Hey tiny, cheer up?” Jungkook said, placing the chocolate fondue bowl and churros on the table in front of her. “Why are you sulking? You’re going to turn 18 so soon.”

She curled up beside him, “I don’t really want to. I don’t want to face life, the future, nothing.”

He snuggled closer and took her in his arms, “mhm?”

“Honestly how are you not sick of me already?”

“Oh was that a requirement to be your boyfriend?” He teased. “I am not sick of you because you are you. In fact, if anyone were to come up to me like a year back and tell me that you’d be my girlfriend, I’d hit them so hard.”

“Okay?” she replied, slightly offended.

“Yeah no because I could never have thought I could get someone like you. Never. You are a waking dream, I doubt anyone thinks you’re in their league.”

“Pretty words Mr Jeon Jungkook.”

“Spoken for the prettiest woman, ma’am.”

She giggled, and nothing was better to his ear than that. That, and her moans.

“Uh by the way…” he hesitatingly began.


“I couldn’t say it back then but like…you’re really good at it. I mean really fucking good.” A shiver ran through his body as he remembered her on her knees in front of him.

She could see his face visibly going red and laughed, “Oh…oh thanks. I figured you liked it because you were…uh, very into it?”

Jungkook shyly rubbed the back of his head, confused about whether to hide his face or smile proudly, “It was my first time.”

“No shit bitch, mine too.”

“But like…did you enjoy it? At least like it? I just didn’t have that much time to talk with you about it. I know it affects you a lot, it does me too. I just wished we had more time after.”

His blushing face accompaniment by his almost shy way of talking was the most adorable thing ever. Y/N got up from the sofa to sit on his lap, facing him. She held his face and looked at him confidently, “I liked it. You were again, uh, a bit into it. I guess that took me a little by surprise but I enjoyed it. Every bit of it. Especially when you begged.”

“SHUT UP!” He screamed back, trying to find a way to evaporate. “I DID NOT EXACTLY BEG OKAY!”

The girl looked at him nonchalantly, “Oh yes, of course, you didn’t. Of course. I must be dreaming when you couldn’t stop asking me to not stop, yeah?”

“Baby”, Jungkook exhaled. As soon as the word left his mouth, the both of them twitched. Y/N seemed to lose all of her dominant act.

“Um, I like it when you say that”, she said, now with equally red cheeks. “And like genuinely now, I really liked it. And I didn’t think it would be so easy. Because you know, my body image issues and also this sense of why you’d want me when you can have literally anyone else. But when I am with you, you make me feel like the most beautiful woman and give me the comfort that I’ve never felt before. I am afraid of losing it. That’s what was on my mind even now, that’s why my birthday doesn’t mean shit.”

He leaned in and as she puckered her lips for a kiss, she felt him kiss her forehead instead. Her inside filled with warmth as she felt his sturdy arms around her waist and him looking at her.

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