48. Towel

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Y/N heard some rustling by her side as she tried to squint her eyes. As soon as her eyes were better used to the light pouring in from the window, she realized that she was laying in the bed, her legs entangled with Jungkook's. Her head rested on his buff chest and his arms were draped around her lithe body.

She looked up to see him. He was magnificent. The way his features were sculpted so perfectly onto his well structured face and porcelain looking skin. The way he made her feel, the way her past didn't seep through her broken crevices when she was with him.

She was still admiring him when her phone vibrated on the beside table. She frowned and picked it up, sitting straight.

Jia: 7 missed calls, 3 missed FaceTimes, 12 messages.


Another FaceTime flashed on her phone as it vibrated. Y/N hastily answered it only to be met by Jia in her school uniform.

"Y/N! Bitch, BITCH!"

Y/N's hand moved to slap it against her head, hearing Jia scream, "Shh damn it! Calm down, what's it?" she hissed.

Jia's eyes widened dramatically on the screen, "What happened?" she sarcastically chucked, "What happened!?!? Dumb bitch, you're trending all over the internet. And I mean all over, as in trending at 2 on Twitter. And that bitch ass journo-" the girl halted her rambling and her brows knitted in question, "Y/N?"

Y/N herself frowned in confusion at Jia's tone and raised a brow.

"Who the fuck are you sleeping with-" Jia's hung open as she completed the question.

Y/N squinted her eyes at the screen and noticed Jungkook's hand draped around her waist clearly visible. Coincidentally enough, the very man in question rustled beside her and groaned, "Y/N? Who are you talking to at seven in the fucking morning? Let me sleeeeeep." His arm tightened around her, pulling her body flush against his own.

As Jungkook looked at the phone screen flashing the image of a completely stunned Jia, he smiled, "Jia? Hey!"

The girl on the other side of the phone was dumbfounded and took her own good time to stutter out some words, "Hi? You are Jungkook. Oh my fucking god, you are Jeon Jungkook." She let out in awe. Jia wasn't an ARMY but she damn well knew pop culture. She couldn't believe it when Y/N told her she was working with BTS, but with time, she had very personal evidence to ground that information into her conscience.

When Jungkook smiled in response, her expression suddenly changed into a cold, grave one, "Have you been fucking my best friend?"

Just as Y/N was about to scold Jia for her etiquettes or lack therof, Jungkook laughed, "I haven't yet, but that's top priority in my 5 year plan." He laughed, burying his face in her hair.

Hearing his words, Y/N turned a dark shade of beet.

"Y/N, the fuck? You've never, NEVER blushed before!" Jia laughed and turned to Jungkook, "I have condoms stuffed into her bagpack already. Give me the deets when you do the deed because she won't."

"Deal!" Jungkook responded.

Y/N was completely dumbfounded at how her boyfriend who happened to be the Jeon Jungkook and her bitch ass best friend were bonding over her sexual life.

"Stop it you two! Yeah, Jia, why exactly did you call me at 7 in the morning?" Y/N interjected, nudging Jungkook aside. He whined a bit at the loss of contact but shifted to put his head on her lap and closed his eyes.

With a newly formed, serious expression, Jia spoke, "Yeah, about that. D had called me and he sounded very serious, very unlike himself. I was confused as fuck but he said he didn't have your recent number and you weren't checking up on your social media handles. I don't know what it's all about but he just asked me to tell you that the whole social media thing is going to have a huge impact on the...project?"

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