46. What Are We?

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Jungkook stepped forward, wrapping his arms around her crying form.

She resisted his embrace as her screams were muffled against his chest, “Let me go! I’m no good for anyone…just leave me!”

Jungkook held her even tighter and put a hand on her head, gently patting it, “Shh…shh…it’s alright, baby.”

He gently coaxed her, trying to calm her down, “Your words hurt me Y/N, but they’re not enough to keep me away from you. Nothing is.”

“I am a bitch. I’m so fucking pathetic!” Y/N cried into his embrace. Jungkook held her even closer, and whispered loud enough just for her to hear, “Nah, you’re a bad bitch and you’re mine.”

She could hear the slight smile playing on his lips as he said that and retrieved her head a little to look up at him, “What are we?”

Placing a chaste kiss on her lips, Jungkook rested his forehead against hers, “Well…I just told you, you’re mine. And I damn well am not taking no for an answer.”

Y/N detached her forehead from his and pouted, she was trying to not look flustered but it clearly wasn’t working, “I am asking you for real. Are you sure?”

“Always have been. Are you?” he questioned back.

A frown covered her face as she spoke, “I know I had said that I won’t be prodding you about it, but if we’re doing this, I need to know. Why did you hide the fact that you were Kay?”

Jungkook audibly sighed and looked into her eyes, “To begin with, Jimin hyung has read the chats…well, most of it. So he knew you, and everything about you already. When we reached the airport and I saw you sitting at the café, I don’t know what exactly but…it seemed like I knew you and I sort of, got nervous? I really don’t know what happened but I didn’t want to be acquainted with you for some reason, so I asked Jiminie if he could disguise himself as Kay. And you see, it wasn’t really tough.” He shrugged.

The frown never left her face as she prodded, “And that’s why you were an ass to me from day one?”

Jungkook sheepishly smiled, “Uh yeah maybe. But you’re fun, you know, when you’re annoyed and cussing people out.” He ended with a laugh.

A small smile played on Y/N’s lips as she looked at him, “Even when I’m angry and pissed off?”

“Oh no. Hell no! You’re fucking scary when you’re like that.” Jungkook literally shuddered at the thought, making Y/N laugh. He rolled his eyes at her, “Shut it, okay? Even Jin hyung is scared when you’re pissed off. That day when you didn’t get the approval for your song, Jin hyung especially came to ask us to be cautious with you. I swear to God I don’t understand how a small bean like you can scare the shit out of us all.”

Y/N laughed at how Jungkook scrunched his nose trying to forget the feeling when he’s scared. Seeing her laugh filled him with absolute glee. It was a beautiful sound, one that he’d never get content of. He smiled looking at her, happy that she was his…all his.

“Hey stop staring at me like that! I’m probably looking like a clown right now ugh.” Y/N said, wiping her tears off of her cheeks.

Jungkook’s smile never faltered as he looked at her, “I am starving, again.”

The expression on her face grew grave as she cussed, “Shit! I’m a fucking idiot! And so are you!”

Y/N lifted Jungkook’s hands to study the wounds. She then looked at his face while still holding his hand. He looked beautiful, beyond beautiful actually. Even with his lip busted open and face bruised, no one could compare to his perfection.

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