18. Moles for tits

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It was Y/N's last day at her school.

She reached the school to meet Jia. It was known news by then that Y/N was leaving for Korea soon. Some were sad, some didn't care but Y/N has wanted to see off everyone on the day. She even went to meet her previous teachers who had dearly hated her, who all seemed happy that Y/N was leaving. She really was a pain in the ass for those ones.

As Y/N and Jia walked down the corridor during recess, talking to their batch mates, Chad came into view. Though Y/N sincerely hated him, she decided to leave at a good note.

"Oh? I hear you're leaving?" he cockily said. Jia scoffed, "As if you dunno already." "Aw Jia, let's not fight today, your bEsTiE is leaving after all. Let's not make it ugly." Jia rolled her eyes, "Uglier than you is practically impossible anyways."

Y/N tried to calm the heat down, "Yea Chad? What's it? A see off?" Chad funnily smirked, "Of course, you're not gonna be here anymore. That calls for a party rather than a see off but petty you. I'mma leave, just remember that I like my pussy shaved girls" he said, some how proud of himself. Y/N snapped back, "Then shave your pussy, Chad."

Every other person in the corridor couldn't control how the MaChO guy was so brutally roasted, the corridor roared with laughter.

Y/N liked to have shut his mouth for the Nth time again but she knew he would create a drama now, which she most certainly didn't want. She called out to Jia to move to the class.

A few moments after Y/N had snapped, Chad realized how he was going to be a joke for the coming weak now and couldn't bear it on his ego. He harshly grabbed at Y/N's shoulder who was starting to move away, "Who do you fucking think you're cum slut?"

His anger was evident but Y/N couldn't care less, "I understand that you're a dumb block but last I checked I was Y/N. Also, I at least get to cum, unlike you, dry since birth", she continued moving but realized Jia wasn't beside her. As she turned around, she saw Jia throw a punch at the guy who was at least a quarter taller than her.

It was going to be a show. Jia had punched Chad. That's it. That's the talk of the whole coming year.

Y/N panicked and shot towards Jia, trying to pull her back, "What the hell?! Okay Jia, quit it. No violence." Jia squirmed in Y/N's grasp as she desperately wanted to throw another punch.

Chad had been standing grabbing his nose in pain. Ouch. Y/N could feel how bad Jia hit him. Though she was quite skinny, Jia's violent attacks were to be feared. The one time a girl bumped into her causing the chocolate in her hand to fall down in Class 2, Jia had hit her across the face as a reflex. That girl didn't attend the school for a weak and Jia had received a 3 day suspension from school.

But it was years back. Since then, only twice had Jia been so violent but Y/N had managed to control her. Jia was a really good person, but could be a LITTLE dangerous at times.

"That's what you get for being an asshole!" she screamed at Chad through Y/N's attempts to keep her in control. Y/N continued begging Jia to stay stable and stop throwing punches. Y/N turned to Chad, "Leave!"

Even through the pain, the man had the audacity to speak up, "Or what bitch?" Jia snapped, "Calm your tits douchebag". She was more stable now as Y/N tried to ease her.

"Oh! At least I have them tits! Not just two moles on the chest like you. Whoever said atom was the smallest clearly hadn't seen your failure of boobs"

This was it. He was over. Y/N completely released Jia and faced the guy, slowly moving towards him, "You know what dickhead? Fuck being mature. Jia, shoot!" That was all Jia needed to shine in all her glory.

It was beautiful. Scenic. It was living art. Chad was being destroyed by Jia. The guy couldn't do much due to the already numbing pain in his nose. As a result of this wrestle, Jia also was adorned with her marks of victory, a badly swollen and bruised cheekbone and a cut on her bottom lip. It was worse for Chad. Jia dominated him, throwing punches in all directions.

All the students cheered as the crowd grew more and more dense.

Y/N wondered why this girl wasn't already a professional boxer. She'd easily knock them trained ones down with a few hits. She hooted along cheering Jia.


Ten minutes later, Jia and Y/N were in the principal's office and Chad in the infirmary. He sure required some medical treatment. Before walking off from the scence, Jia had kicked him where the sun doesn't shine, as a closure move. A couple teachers had to hold Jia back from ending that complete embarrassment of a human.

"Y/N? On your last day of school?", the principal let out, helpless. "I'm sorry...sir." He looked at her, "Sorry? You're sorry? Jia could have made him unconscious if the teachers didn't get there in time." Y/N made an attempt on justifying what had just happened, "...but sir, Chad started off by saying-" The principal cut in, "Whatever he said must not have called for a potential murder!"

Jia shot back, clearly offended, "HE SAID I HAVE MOLES FOR TITS!"

Both Y/N and the principal stared at Jia. She realized what she had just said and tried to explain, "I mean I know they're small but I do have some bounce too."

What the...

Y/N stared at Jia for some explanation, any. How could she just have siad THAT in front of a man her Grandpa's age.

Seeing her friend's expression, Jia just mumbled, " aight I'mma head out." The principal was still staring at her, horrified, "Please do."

As Jia left, Y/N tried explaining anything, if she could, to the principal. He looked at her with helplessness, "Y/N please. It's my last few years in this office. Let me retire peacefully. You can just leave. I don't need an explanation. My wishes to you and to your head of school in Seoul. May they be able to get through the two coming years.I sincerely wish them luck" Y/N pitied on how the old man was scarred for life...God give him strength.

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