2. Am I a bitch?

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Y/N sat on a bench panting hard after having won two out of three matches against a friend. She drank water in continuous gulps as if she had been thirsty since the beginning of time and then after, while waiting for the other pair to finish their match, she proceeded to flick open her phone which had a message from Kay.

Kay: Neffex dropped a new song and damn, it's a bop

Y/N: I'll check it out.
Also, BTS drop albums faster than my grades drop and dayummm, they're all a bop

Kay: As in the boyband?

Y/N: Who else duh.

Kay: Could you maybe refrain from talking about them?

If this bitchass is a hater, I'll throw fists-

Y/N: And why tf is that?
What bad have they done to anyone ever!?!? They work towards a good cause, tell people to love themselves, support so many people out there with their *chef's kiss* music, help in social causes, are humble, have actually worked their way to success, are talented af and so much more that I could and would prolly write a whole ass book about them. I really wonder what problem could seven, epitome-of-perfection men pose to you!?

Kay: Hey hey fighter calm tf down. I'm not a hater, it's just not interesting to me. I'd rather not talk with you about them cuz I fear saying something that might offend you.

Y/N: You could talk shit about anything but BTS and no, I'mma talk about them all I want and you can, with all due respect, fuck off!

(3 hours later)

Bitch said what!?

Y/N wiped the tears off her cheek with the back of her left hand while holding her phone in her right. She couldn't help the continuous tears streaming down her face.

Sitting on the inside corner of her bed and tugged in a blanket, she was somehow confused...maybe it was that she herself was wrong, couldn't it be?

Helpless, the girl opened Instagram to talk it out with someone, anyone! Why the hell did her best friend have to get her phone confiscated. She couldn't even talk to the only person she relied on.

Randomly, she checked Kay's inbox.. nothing.

He hadn't responded to her telling him to fuck off. Now she felt kinda bad for him...the guy hadn't really hated on BTS, he had just not wanted to talk about them, maybe something he truly didn't hold interest in.

It reluctantly occurred to her that it might've been her who was rude. And in the moment, it was a good option to talk shit out with Kay.

With online friends, it's easier to talk about things because you know that they'd not judge you and even if they do, it won't directly affect your life.

After contemplating for a bit, Y/N decided to shoot a text to Kay.

Y/N: Hey! Am I a bitch?

Kay had been online and quickly responded to the message.

Kay: After how you talked to me ma'am, I'd very much like to say yes but why tf do you ask?

Y/N: Just tell in a simple yes or no damn it.

Kay: I guess an apology could've worked better.

Y/N: Apology for?

Kay: You serious!? You just told me to fuck off!

Y/N: Oh I definitely ain't a bitch for that. And I'm definitely not here to discuss how desperate a dry virgin you are!
Just tell me am I a bitch as a whole.

Kay: WTF- you can't be a quarter bitch dumbass. Tell me what happened and we'd conclude your level of bitchiness then kiddo

Y/N: Excuse me? You called me what?

Kay: KIDDO 🤡

Y/N: How old are you even to call me that!? I'm 17 and I'm NOT a kid.

Kay: Oh and I'm 20, for real.
Now that we're done with the formalities, kindly proceed to tell me wtf happened so I can judge your bitchiness *sips tea*

Y/N told Kay all about how she had recently dropped a series on her writing page in support of the LGBTQ+ and had tagged some people who she had specifically wanted to read that piece which included one of her so called friends, how her friend had bashed her for being a "fake feminist" cuz she supported the LGBTQ+ , how the argument got uglier and that shithead went on to question Y/N's character saying how she talks to so many guys and ain't even pretty enough and she even is a bitch.

Y/N was getting enraged while recounting the instances to Kay and that was more than evident in the way she talked, cursing after about every sentence.

The guy had patiently listened to her and had been quiet for most part. Finally, only after Y/N was finished with letting her anger out did he respond.

Kay: You're not a bitch, kiddo!

His reply had, oddly enough, felt like a warm, calming hug.

Y/N: Just cuz you're 20 doesn't mean you can call me that okay!
Also, idk why the actual fuck did I want to say ily to ya after you said what you just said.

Kay: You're high. Also, this happened after you returned from the badminton court right?

Y/N: yea right, I haven't even changed out of my mf clothes. Came home to witness this little shit's shitty commentary on myself.

Kay: Go get changed and sleep already, it's too late where you live.

Y/N: So you've stalked me enough to know my country eh!

Y/N: JK, I realize my last post was about my country's politics itself. Doesn't take a Sherlock to figure out. Where are you from anyways?

Kay: If I keep answering, we keep talking. And I bet you haven't had the least bit of rest since we last talked. Go sleep kiddo. And dun respond to this message now. Just go sleep~✨🔪

Y/N smiled to herself, this guy was kinda caring without getting all cringey and that too after having had a convo just for the third time.

And he's 20!?!? Feels like he pays enough heed to me to not think of me as a stupid child cuz I AIN'T IT.

She quickly got into her PJs and fell asleep as soon as she hit the bed.

Author's note: here's another update on Wednesday as promised! Also, today's my birthday, December 2. IDK why but I just wanted to mention it lol. It's 2 in the morn Currently where I live and I got an exam tomorrow for which I haven't studied the least bit but fuck it!
As the genius Min Yoongi once said, your grades don't really matter✨

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