56. Flower Flower Flower Flower Flower!

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"That's- oh my god! When were you going to tell me about it?"

On the other end of the phone, Jia spoke, "You're the first person other than the two of us to know. I swear to god Y/N, she's the prettiest and sweetest person ever. Like the first time I saw her enter the classroom, I was so struck. And I couldn't believe when she first hit on me because wow."

She laughed, "Damn, she does sound really great. It seems weird that we're both in a relationship. I thought we'd die single. Where exactly in Japan is Sakura from again?"

"Um...wait. No shit how can I forget it. It's ugh...I know the place but I can't remember it. I'll ask her again and tell you. I need to go now, school starts in 20." Jia replied.

"Yeah okay, I need to rush to work too. Bye!"

Y/N hung up the call, smiling at how happy Jia got talking about her girlfriend. Sakura was a new student at the school, and allegedly hit on Jia first. They hung out together and were already a month into the relationship. At one point, Y/N had felt guilty about not making enough time for her best friend, but now that Jia had a girlfriend, the guilt lessened exponentially.

While she was still stirring her coffee, her phone rang. She smiled and went to open the door for Taehyung.

"Are you always this pretty?" was the first thing he said as she opened the door, making her laugh.

"And are you always this flirty?"

Taehyung pretended to sulk, "I would've been so much more if your boyfriend didn't threaten to punch me in the face."

"Yeah sure. The way that I really am not worried about anyone but you who my boyfriend would cheat on me with. Y'all practically sleep together. Very sus."

He smirked playfully, "I'd rather sleep with you."

"Fucker, remember my boyfriend threatened to punch the shit out of you!" she laughed, hitting him lightly on the chest. "Wait just a minute, I'll bring my bag and we're good to go."


When both of them had settled in the car comfortably, driving to the HQ, V began, "So, birthday in what? 3 weeks? What're the plans?"

She clicked her tongue carelessly, "Um.. I don't really know. I'm more concerned about the economic forum than anything else."

"Didn't you say that they'll have no option but to pass your proposal?"

She chewed on her lower lip before answering, "Yeah well, I did. And it's true. But it's scary you know, to see something you planned on paper come to life. Of course, I've calculated everything and the success rate of my speculations is generally above 70%, but it's still nerve racking. Not to mention that I'm grossly promoting capitalism, not a firm believer of that."

Taehyung took a deep breath, absorbing in the expected consequences of her proposal, "Well, I can't really say anything too smart here. I was never interested in economics or whatever. But what I am certain about is that you have thought this through, and that you're one of the smartest people I've ever known. As for me, I trust you. Hell, I'd trust you with my life even. So there's no point really in doubting yourself." He concluded, smiling at her.

She smiled back, "Damn, Kim Taehyung...it scares me sometimes how y'all are more confident in me than I'm in myself." She paused, "I wish my Dad was just as confident in me, if not more."

"You're still not talking to him?"

"More like he isn't talking to me. I don't know. I can't afford to stress about this when I've so much lined up already. I don't understand him. I'm not a baby, I know what I'm doing and all I need is for him to trust me. I love him but it's kinda shit how condescending his explanations feel sometimes." She exhaled.

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