54. Falling

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“no YOU fuck off!” Y/N screamed entering the studio. Behind her, Jimin hopped in happily.

“Okay then, let me.” He giggled, enjoying the irritation he gave the girl.

“Back off”, Jungkook said raising his eyebrows at Jimin, “and what now?”

“Namjoonie hyung, I cannot do it anymore. He can have his solo fucked, I don’t give a shit.” She almost cried, complaining to Namjoon.

Jimin mimicked her in an annoying voice and tried to put his side of the story forward, “how about you tell them that you deleted the two verses I spent days writing?”  

“Oh right. Credits for writing ‘ah ah ah’ 6 times per verse, and writing two of those just so you can lay a thirst trap. Go sort that shit out with the producer, let me do the lyrics.” She yelled.

“Yeah right, you won’t complain if your boyfriend made a whole song moaning, but you can’t stand if I do it a couple times in my song, it’s too shallow?” he yelled back.

Hearing Jungkook being addressed as her boyfriend gave the both of them butterflies.

Y/N faced Jungkook, “Would you ever publically release a song moaning throughout just so you can get bitches thirsting over you?”

Jungkook furiously shook his head from side to side.

Now, Y/N looked at Jimin, “See, he would dare not. And you can release a sex tape, I don’t care shit. But don’t add moans to lyrics like ‘like the cold withers a flower, and warmth melts ice; I will love you with my cold heart even if that means withering away twice.’”

“YOU WROTE THAT?” Namjoon asked abruptly.

A little taken aback, she nodded, “why, yes I just did. That’s what I was busy writing in place of two verses of ‘ah ah ah’ times six.’”

“Nevermind him. He can release a sex tape. You forward those lyrics to me and we’ll work on a new song. I’m proud of you”, Namjoon said, flashing her a dimple smile and ruffling her hair.

Y/N blushed so hard she could feel the heat radiating from her face.

“Hyung, it sucks that she’ll leave me in a heartbeat for you. So much for loyalty. Anyway, I’ll go rest a bit. Good luck with these two.” Jungkook said, getting up. He kissed the top of Y/N’s head and left the three of them to sort the song situation out.

“You’re not taking my solo away from me. Please don’t, she agreed to do it after I treated her to a fancy meal and a stack of books. I tried for weeks, she’s always caved up with you and Suga hyung. Let me have my solo.” Jimin pleaded, putting his face in his palms as he took a seat beside Y/N.

Namjoon smirked, “what about your sex tape?”

“THERE’S NO SEX TAPE. I WAS KIDDING OKAY”, he yelled, “I was messing with Y/N. Just don’t take this solo away, I’ll not moan.”

Namjoon mouthed ‘welcome’ as Y/N mouthed ‘thankyou’, both smiling at each other.

“But, Park Jimin, I’ll have to postpone this project by a week.” She stated.

Jimin exhaled, “why? What now? I swear I will gift you a library, just get this done.”

She laughed, “My exams are around the corner. I’m taking a week off for preparation. I’ll try working on it during this time, but I can’t promise anything. Promise me the library and don’t annoy me like this again.”

“Fuck, thanks okay. Library done. Not annoying you…we’ll see about that.” He beamed, shaking her hand to establish a deal.

“Deal. It’s time now, I’ll get off work. I’ll see you in a week”, she smiled at Namjoon, “and you too.” She acknowledged Jimin, trying to keep a serious face but ended up laughing.


Jungkook layed face down on the couch, on the brink of falling asleep when he felt some weight falling on his back. He would’ve been irritated if not for the butterfly kisses Y/N planted on the back of his neck. Her hands snaked around his torso and under his chest, as she laid the side of her face on the back of his neck.

“Should I get a tattoo there?” he asked, his voice still raspy from the nap.

“Here?” she asked, kissing just below the end of his hairline.

“No, a little lower.”

She kissed the top of his spine, “hm?”

“A little to the right.”

She kissed a little to the right.

“A little more.”

A little more.

“Right still.”

Another kiss now on the sensitive part of his neck, making him shudder under her.


Now she kissed near the base of his neck. “More on the right?”

“um hm.”

Soon, Y/N sucking on the skin near his collarbone. She slowly trailed her mouth upward, towards his jaw, with the intention of searing it hers.

She admired the couple lovebites she had gently put on his smooth skin. Moving still up, she kissed his cheek, smothered it with her kisses, making him smile. His eyes remained close throughout.

She ran her hand through his hair. Y/N had never seen a man more beautiful, more lovable. With passion and emotion, she kissed him on the lips.

Jungkook slowly turned around to lay on his back and directly face her. He let himself be clay under her, he wanted to be what she wanted him to be. His eyes closed in satisfaction and an overwhelming sense of passion. Her dainty, small hands grazed his cheek and her fingers ran along his neck.

He was all hers. Now. Forever.

Kissing his forehead one last time, Y/N then put her ear against his chest, listening to the furious beating of his heart. And he could feel hers against his own torso.

They lay there like that for some time, as their heartbeats slowed, and their breath steadied.

“You’re beautiful.” She said.

“You have no idea how many times a day I say the same about you. You never fail to leave me breathless. You’ll be the reason for my breathing problems.”

She chuckled and lightly hit him on the chest, “You are my problem”, a pause, “and my answer.”

As the both of them let the words sink in, Y/N chuckled again, “Shit, I’m getting mad poetic. What are you doing to me Jeon Jungkook?”

“Shit, I’m falling mad in love. What have you done to me, baby?”

And just like that, time stopped for her. Air seemed to rest at one place, and her breathing was the only sense of movement, of reality. She did not lift her head up from his chest, she could not. Even his heart seemed to give her solace.

Falling. But this time around, it wasn’t into a void, it was, falling in love.

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