24. Where's my stuff?

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"So...let me start from the start" Jimin started, "Kay is originally Jungkook's account, as you might suspect from the username, but he had stopped using it and I had the password, so I got back on Instagram with his account."

"How did you just randomly stumble upon me?", Y/N's face was contorted in an unreadable expression. The boys could not figure out whether it was paranoia, gratefulness or some serious thought to a conspiracy theory.

"Not randomly, I got to say. You know we've been at a place of struggle and kind of relate with artists who are struggling to get themselves out there. Not tryna flex but everyone knows how anything we mention goes viral, especially if it's something we use, or a certain interest...for that matter, even artists we follow" he said as a matter-of-factly.

Y/N's memory vaguely shot back to the time when many countries' milk sellout temporarily increased by some percentage as Jungkook posted a picture of a glass of milk in his hand. She remembered going bamboozled over the power that these men hold. And I am sitting in front of them. What on God's blue Earth!

He continued, "So we look out at artists whenever we can. Artists who truly are talented and fascinate us, whose art deserves a lot more attention. If we're really into their craft and are genuinely appreciative, a slip of tongue at some interview or talk show does the job. A mention of the artist's name or work and boom! They're all over the internet the next day. So yea, it helps us to both explore true talents and to lend a hand in bringing it up."

"Um hm", she gave a hum of approval.

"And that's kind of how I stumbled upon your page. This hugely followed curator page featured your work, and it was beautiful. I just went to your account to check it out and was met with sketches, write-ups, bullet journalling, activism posts and political opinions spread all over. The diversity of it all got to me. You seemed like one hell of a person. And then," he chuckled, "As clichè as it may sound, I slid into your DMs."

"Sooo....I was unknowingly about to be gifted by BTS knowing my existence, Kay telling me that my page is gonna blow up was all about this?" Jimin chucked again, "Sort of. But then, things played out a tad different and now we're here."

It was still a little too much for Y/N to wrap her head around. Woah. WOAH.

"What is it about the me being entitled shit?", the girl asked, clearly thrown into an array of questions and curiosity. She unconsciously looked over to Jungkook who stood looking out at the city through the glass walls, his attention on the conversation, sight on the skyline.

She brought her gaze back to Jimin who shifted in his seat. He spoke up, "Now look. I really don't know how you'd react to this and I sure as hell have no intention of angering you. It should come as a good news to many but I really can't anticipate how you'd react like. So go easy on me?"

Her features softened and the corner of her lips upturned at Jimin being so attractive, "Yessir. Go on." She chuckled. The man in front of her was truly an avatar of angels. There's no way he could be real, Lord!

"Um...so, you remember sharing your resume?", he nervously spoke while rubbing the back of his neck. Y/N simply spoke, confused as to why he was recollecting that instance, "Yes?"

The nervous tone grew, "Yea...about that..." As realization started seeping in, her eyes widened searching for answers, "Park Jimin what'd you do..."

"Yea so...that resume was kinda slid into BigHit's internship program." Her eyes widened even more if that was possible given how much she had already enlarged them. She asked, uncertain if what she was thinking was exactly what was true, "And?"

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