36. The Conference

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“What? Y’all gonna say something?”

V and Jungkook blinked their eyes, just having gotten out of their dreamy selves. The woman in front was waiting for them to say something, anything at all.

“I…uh…Y/N...did you call Jiminie? He called me to ask you to call him.” V spoke, sounding highly unconvincing.

The lack of conviction didn’t bother the girl though as she burst out, “Oh shit yes! I had to show him my outfit. Ah how did I forget, y’all wait here, I’mma just go into Unnie's room and video call him. I can place my phone on her dresser to have a full view of my outfit. I’ll come back in five!”
Saying this, off she swerved to another room, making the boys breathe a sigh of relief.

She hastily placed the phone at a perfect angle and face timed Jimin. And the first thing he exclaimed when she first appeared on his screen was, “Holy bitch!”

“Hey c’mon tell me how do I look. I swear this has to be the best I’ve ever looked. Ahhhh.” She said followed by a spin on her ankles to show off the flare of her lehenga.

Jimin breathed, “And I swear you’re gonna get banged today. Like…I ain’t kidding, I don’t even like you but you look totally fuckable.”

The I-don't-like-you part made Y/N frown, to which Jimin quickly responded, “You look lovely. I still mean what I said earlier though. Lovely but fuckable. Anyways, what did the both of them say?”

The fact that her two dates hadn’t uttered a word of compliment or flattery hit her.
Her expression grew somewhat pained, she spoke, “Maybe I don’t look as good after all,” the corner of her lip twitched, “they said absolutely nothing to me with the exception of Tae reminding me of calling you. Now it seemed like he just dismissed me. Jiminie, do you think they’re embarrassed of me?”  

“What bullshit Y/N? You look absolutely gorgeous. To be very honest, one of the prettiest I’ve seen. Those two are either morons or…wait…bro no! Wait...babe, could ya give your phone to them. I wanna talk.”

“Yeah… hold up a second.” She said taking hold of her phone and moving out of the room to the living room, surprised to find no one.

Confusedly, Y/N looked at her phone screen and saw Jimin smiling as if he knew something that she didn’t, as if she was naïve. “They’re not here!? Wait…what? Why the fuck are you smiling at me like that! Stop it!”

The boy laughed. And while he did, Hana passed by Y/N to the kitchen.
“Unnie, have you seen V and Kook? Where did they go?”

“Ah what? Oh, yes. They went to your apartment. I asked them why but those two dumbheads just rushed out.”

What Hana said was apparently funny because after listening to her, Jimin laughed all the more. When she passed by Y/N again on her way to the kid’s room, she waved at Jimin who waved back, fighting his laughter.

“And now Park Jimin, if you’d like to tell why exactly the hell are you physically dying of laughter?” she spoke irritatedly.

Jimin held back his laughter, “Seriously bruh!? C’mon girl, I trusted you enough to figure it out. You looking fuckable, them not saying a word except for basically dismissing you, them vanishing out of nowhere. Any guesses?”

As the realization absorbed, her face muscles relaxed and her eyes widened, “Are you frickin’ sure?”

“Well, a part of me can attest to their behavior but I’m too chivalrous to flash it to you. I’d rather, you find it yourself?” he said.

She finally grew relaxed, “If it’s me cause of whom Jungcock and Taeconda are full with life, I have a thing to rub onto their faces for at least a whole year. Also, ew Jimin. You’re my bestie. You’re not supposed to be aRoUsEd.”

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