50. Worth Fighting For

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“It must be them! I’ll go open the door, just add some water into the puree and reduce it to a slightly thicker texture.” Y/N commanded Jungkook as a knock was heard on the door. She quickly washed and dried her hands and rushed to receive her guests.

Just as she opened the door, a pair of arms were thrown around her making her stagger in the footing.

“Damn Y/N, I was worried the whole of last night. I shouldn’t have let you be with either of these two dumbfucks.” Jimin said, holding on to her tightly.

She tried speaking but most of it was muffled by the man’s shoulder against her face, “I am alright, let me breathe though!”

Jimin let go and walked over to the couch. The next face Y/N saw was indeed the most handsome, “These kids would kill this ageing man if they continue getting their asses in trouble.” Seokjin exaggerated and laughed, his classic windshield wiper laugh which instantly made Y/N happier, she hugged him and spoke, “What are you talking about? My man is a vampire, he doesn’t age.” She rolled her eyes dramatically.

“I swear Y/N, you, I and my mirror are the only ones appreciating my beauty these days. The members have no idea how lucky they are to see my face everyday, and that too for free.” He sighed, moving aside to place a huge paperbag on a cabinet.

“Hobi hyungie-” Y/N began but was cut short as her eyes spotted another figure beside Hoseok.

Kim fucking Namjoon casually stood there wearing blue jeans shorts and a printed white shirt with four buttons unbuttoned. His tiddies shone in all their glory, his buff chest waiting to tear through the fabric and his cleavage seemed as deep as the Marina trench.

Kim Namjoon owned more tits than Y/N and Jia and Hana combined, and that’s unfair. THAT’S UNFAIR.

Thighs. Thighs. Thighs. Thighsjsjsjensns. HIS THIGHS. Namjoon’s muscular thighs flexed even when he was standing still, the muscles ever so prominent and fucking hot. This man. THIS MAN.

She stared at him with her jaw dropped open, “Damn Papi, he a rare breed, no comparing-

When the sound of laughter hit her ears, she knew she had fucked up.

“Did I just…think out loud? Again- fuck, why am I so dumb!?” she sounded embarrassed and ready to cry.

The laughter didn’t fade but she soon felt a hand on her head. Namjoon smiled his dimple smile at her while ruffling her hair, “You are the cutest, but watch it ma’am, I’m quite a few years older, only if you were too.” He chuckled, treating her as warmly as ever. She was so thankful that he treated her as an equal, not someone below him.

Just as he started moving past her after patting her cheek, Y/N turned a whole 180° to not miss the opportunity of admiring his back side, now that she had already fucked up, might as well take the most out of it.

And just as her sight took a glance at him, a hand came to cover her eyes up, “Woah there Y/N, I’m not letting you stare at hyung’s ass while I sweat off in the kitchen. You’re a hell of a meanie bitch!” She heard Jungkook say.

Y/N yanked his hand off and noticed that Hoseok was sitting on the couch by then. She ignored Jungkook and rushed to throw herself around her Hobi hyungie. She hugged him tight, “Where have you been this whole week? I didn’t see you once and was contemplating on quitting!” she complained like a kid to Jhope.

He laughed and hugged her back, “Yeah you’re my sunshine too. I have a solo performance coming up so I wasn’t able to make time for anything, I’m sorry.”

Ignoring his apology, Y/N just hugged him tighter. He patted her head and chuckled, “You are even more adorable than what Jungkook was when he first came.”

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