15. I'm tired of living

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"Hey..life...it's alright, it'll be all fine, come here." Y/N's father softly spoke, gesturing for an embrace.

Crying, she hugged her father tightly and spoke as her voice got muffled against his chest, "No it's not! Nothing is ever fine with me...why even...what did I not do to have this opportunity, and now this bloody damned system screws everything over for me!"
Her father ruffled her hair and tried to calm her down.

Y/N was broken, she didn't want to live through life at this point. After a few minutes of crying her heart out in her father's embrace, she broke the hug.

Furiously wiping at her eyes, she spoke up, " I'm going to my room. Tell Mumma that I'll not have dinner tonight, I am not really hungry."

Her father looked at her and softly spoke, "sweetheart, don't sleep empty. I would tell your Mumma about dinner but you make sure to grab something from the kitchen before hitting the bed, alright?"

Y/N nodded. She started walking towards her room but abruptly turned around and embraced her father again, "You really are the best, I'll have something to eat. Don't worry." Saying that, off she went to her room.

It was a little over two weeks after the country confirmation, Y/N was due to attend her school in Australia in about a month. Everything came crashing down for her when her visa got disapproved.

The diplomatic relations between her country and the one she was expected to attend her school at, had faltered in the past week, making it difficult for her to attain a visa. She and her Dad had tried their best to make any sort of arrangement possible, but the earliest she could get the approval was in 5 months time.

A known fact about Y/N was her temper. She wasn't really a cool head. Though she tried her best to control any anger issues, she couldn't stand crap for much.

As she entered the room, she kicked at the suitcase kept by the door and slumped into her bed. Angry already, she threw her phone against the wall. Not knowing what more to do now, she layed there, helpless, desperate.

After some time, Y/N got off the bed and slipped into her sliders. Almost dragging herself now,she managed to get to the terrace. As much as she wished to jump off a cliff, she knew better.

The girl hopped on to the top of the water tank and looked up at the sky. It had never been clearer, not when she was looking at it. The moon wasn't visible but countless stars distinctly were.

Because she lived in the urban area, the chances of seeing the very clear sky were quite less, yet, today they were.

Why today? You mocking me too?

Her head slowly faced down. Unconsciously, tears slipped down her eyes, wetting her cheeks. It was a pityful sight. Y/N was the kind of girl who struggled with holding her tears back. She hated that fact. As a person who was an innate leader, she tried not to show any signs of weakness. But, through so many years she had fairly learnt to carry her tears along with the strength and sass. The reason for her constant tears was not sadness or being broken, it was the anger. The girl would cry when she knew she can't direct her anger elsewhere.

Why the fuck is it always me..this was supposed to be my chance to get outta that freaky past, my chance to start things anew...but no, why would I be given a fucking opportunity even though I've put so much into attaining it. Fuck it. Fuck everything.

She was talking to the stars, the ones who stay, the ones who listen. She aggressively punched her fist down. A sting around her knuckles arose, the area was bleeding.

Bloody hell!

She knew she had to keep her wound covered somehow, not letting her parents see it or they'd get more worried than they already were.

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